Violette: You Deserve Peekaboo, 1870, Germany

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You Deserve Peekaboo 

1870, Germany

I remember this quite clearly. It was a sunny Spring afternoon. Still cold, but not uncomfortable. All alone in the park, I was happily walking around looking at things. 

Then the horrible pain. My face went upwards so fast to catch the perpetrator who had trodden on my foot. I smelled his shoe on my shoe already. The ugly smell trail led to a fat pig man walking away like nothing had happened. 

I thought to myself, 'you will not die for being impolite. But you will not forget for the rest of your life.'

Following him for the next few days, I found out quite quickly who he was. It was even more disgraceful than I could have imagined. He was the governor of this land. Or some high position. I really don't care to remember. He's just a fat pig man to me. Anyway.

Gingerly following his smell trail, and gingerly because it stank, I found his big house and discovered his bedroom was on the second floor. Oh so very perfect, yes. I couldn't wait.

That night, I watched him climb into bed all alone. I thought, "No fat pig wife for you, eh?" and watched him fall asleep. You wouldn't believe the snores. 

Then gently, ever so gently, I tapped my finger nail on the glass from where I was watching him outside. A slow sneaky smile spread over my face.

Every time he snorted to almost wake up by the sounds, I stopped, and he fell back to sleep. Then gently, ever so gently, I would tap again. All night.

He looked so very very tired in the morning. He had gotten no real sleep, so part one of the plan had been achieved. I watched him go about his day as usual. He was mean to everyone around him and simply unpleasant. With every insult, every talking down to, I grew more sure.

For many nights and days I did this. Finally he grew sick and had to take time off from his work. He grew semi-delirious, seeing things which were not there from insomia-induced psychosis. Tonight was the night, I just knew it. I kept bouncing in excitement.

Finally, he was dressed in his bed clothes and crawled into bed looking confused, if not a little scared. He fell asleep soon after.

Wasting no time at all, I dragged my nail against the glass, cutting into it thickly but not all the way through. A loud, piercing wail of the resisting glass was paired with it and this was the so desired noise. 

In a flash he was awake and looking so terrified by the sound. He couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I heard him rumbling all over the house, searching for the sound. Finally, he came back to the bedroom looking more confused than ever. I could see the crease between his eyebrows and his piggy little eyes all a panic. 

Tap, tap, tap, I went on the glass. 

He looked up suddenly, and walked with fear to his curtains. Hesitatingly, he drew them back very quickly.

With a scream like a pig who is being gutted, he fell on his fat bottom with a white face and wide wide mouth, pointing at me tapping on the glass.

I was tapping the message I had written. 

"BE KIND OF HEART" it said in German.

He passed out on the floor, finally getting the much needed downtime his body needed. 

He never went back to his high ranking position in government. He was taken to a place for the mentally insane and tortured regularly. Never again did he say a mean word, and even spoke kindly to staff who mistreated him. 

Such lessons can be avoided. Such lessons can be learned. But guaranteed, such lessons are earned.

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