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This is my masterpiece I finished literally at 2 this morning... 😂👍🏼

The time I spent on it is scattered

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The time I spent on it is scattered.

It took me:

30 minutes -> Find accurate Sakura pics to draw.
1 hour -> Draw Sakura from eyeing pics with pencil
30 minutes -> Inking over penciled parts with special manga inking pens
10 minutes -> Erase pencil markings
4 hours -> Figuring out whether to color the inked drawing or just leave black and white... 😂
45 minutes -> Color in colored parts with colored pencils
30 minutes -> Shading with a shading stump
45 minutes -> Shade in darker areas and black and white areas with shading pencils and a shading stump
20 minutes -> Last minute touch-ups
20 minutes -> Add and color in cherry blossom petals on the side
10 minutes -> Figuring out placing for picture...

So yeah. 8 total hours put into this... I don't know, is it even good? I mean the picture makes it look worse than it really is in real life... 🤔

Oh well. Kinda funny how if you asked me what the hardest part of this was, it wasn't actually drawing it, but coming up with what to do about coloring. I was debating between coloring or leaving it black and white. I decided to color in the most important aspects of her, so I colored in her eyes, hair, and her Forehead Seal gem.

That was one of the challenges. The other had to be going back and forth between my and my brother's rooms working on this Sakura drawing, but always getting called back by him because he was looking at pictures of other Naruto characters he'd want to draw too... 😑

But yeah! Lotta love and effort put into it, and I'm... Mostly pleased. Mostly... 😅

Trust me when I say it looks better in person than on camera. 😅

Oh, can't forget to list the supplies I used:
- Pencil
- Shading pencils
- Drawing pad
- Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils
- Prismacolor Manga Inking Pens
- Shading Stump
- Kneadable Eraser

All these lovely items you can easily get at your local Hobbie Lobbie, Michael's, etc. 😁👍🏼

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