-T H R E E-

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Chapter Three: Terms of Death

"I heard the news. Are you okay, Kenz?!" Kira pulled me into a hug the minute she saw me.

I awkwardly patted her back, "Uh, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

She pulled back and held my shoulders. She stared deeply into my eyes, searching for something. Probably sadness. People stared at me strangely this morning. I was alone which hasn't happened since before Micah and I started dating. They probably thought we fought, which would mean they're right. It must've been weird for them not to see "the golden couple" walking together, hand in hand. I personally enjoyed my walk alone. I could finally zone out and think for once.

She sighed when she couldn't find anything besides confusion. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and smiled at me, "I'm here if you need me, okay? I'll totally have Indie kick his-"

"Hey, what's going on over here?" Indie strutted over to Kira and me. She obviously didn't hear about Micah and me.

I shrugged, "Nothing at all."

"Mackenzie and Micah broke up!" Kira blurted out.

Indie's smile dropped immediately and she turned to me, "Excuse me?"

I shot Kira a glare, "We didn't break up. We got into an argument this morning and we decided it was time for a break."

Just then, I heard heels clicking down the hall. I sighed, knowing exactly who it was. Taylor Mills. She's the stereotypical high school blonde. She wasn't always rude and egotistical. Back in sophomore year, she was a sweet girl. She cared about people and their feelings rather than their social standing. Things changed and she stopped being the sweet girl everyone loved.

She dyed her hair blonde and began obsessing over makeup. Every second she was applying a new coat of lip gloss. Not only did her outer appearance change, she started going to every party. She sleeps around a lot. That wouldn't be a problem if she didn't always target the boys who have girlfriends. When she gets denied, she makes up a story about them.

I became known as "popular" and she was all over me. Of course, I always brushed her off. She's not the type of person I'd want to hang around. Once she realized this, she started hating me. At Applewood High, being hateful isn't exactly praised, so she became passive aggressive and fake.

"Hey Mackenzie," She sang my name.

"What do you want, Taylor?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Trouble in paradise?" She raised an eyebrow, her lips stretching into a grin.

Before I could respond, Indie stepped in front of me, "What does her relationship have to do with you?"

"What does her relationship have to do with you?" Taylor fired back, still grinning.

I sighed, stepping forward, "Taylor, please leave us alone. Last time I checked, you weren't invited into this conversation, nor were you invited to my relationship. However, you were invited by that bell to go to class. So how about you go somewhere you're wanted?"

She glared, "You better watch your back."

I rolled my eyes as she strutted away. Once she was gone, I continued to explain what happened to my best friends. I left out that part about the grim reaper showing up at my house. I decided that was for another time.


I walked home from school after a long day. It was Wednesday, the day of the week no one was home. Tanner had football practice, mom works at her office on Wednesday, dad was at work, and Lindsay wasn't home yet. The only one there was Mufasa.

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