-T W E N T Y - F O U R-

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Chapter Twenty-four: Merry Christmas

"It's Christmas eve!" Lindsay cheered.

I rolled over, attempting to get more sleep. Just when I thought I was in the clear, Lindsay started throwing things at me. She started with pillows and advanced to empty water bottles. I got up before she got the chance to pick up a full water bottle. I wasn't in the mood for bruises.

Once she saw I was up, she smiled, "We have so much work to do! So, grab some eggnog and meet me in the living room. We have to go shopping."

I rolled my eyes, "I already did all my shopping. You're on your own."

"Not gift shopping! We need to get the stockings and glitter glue. And Mom's goddaughter is gonna be here in a few hours so we need to wrap her presents and give them to her mom. Plus, we need to get everyone somewhat matching pajamas," She corrected, listing off everything we were doing for the day.

I knew there was no way I could get out of this. Ever since Lindsay learned how to drive, she's been buying everything for our Christmas Eve traditions. She got tired of doing it alone and made me join. It was a fun idea. Helping to make tomorrow as fun as possible. However, it was only fun until you had to wake up early and get going. We wouldn't have to get up early if Mom's goddaughter wasn't coming over, but she came over every year.

I had to mentally prepare myself to deal with a five-year old. Abby's a sweet girl, but saying she's wild would be putting it mildly. It's like her blood is made of an energy drink. I could only imagine how hard it was for her mom. Abby truly never runs out of energy until the very end of the day. She stayed here overnight once and that was probably the hardest night of my life.

"I expect to see you in the living room in the next thirty minutes," Lindsay announced before slamming my door shut.

After a few more minutes of staring at my ceiling, I got up and got ready. Before I got in the shower, I froze. The second I laid eyes on my wrist, memories from yesterday came flooding back. Not only am I eighteen now, but Griffin and I almost kissed. Then again, "almost" would be kind of an exaggeration. We were just close to each other. It's not like either of us leaned in.

I smiled down at the small bracelet. He actually put thought into a present for me. Back when Micah and I were together, he would buy something just to say he did. When I asked about it, he would say it was the thought that counted. It was ironic because he never put any thought into his gifts. For all I know, he could've found that stupid gift card he gave me in his closet.

I took the bracelet off, not wanting to get it wet, and continued getting ready. Once I was decent enough to go into the world, I put the bracelet back on and met Lindsay in the living room. You couldn't even tell there was a small party yesterday. There were Christmas decorations everywhere. Mom and Dad really did get to work. The tree was up and lights were all around the house.

Lindsay and I left quickly to get everything we needed. I made sure not to forget to grab the cookies. Abby loved decorating cookies and forgetting them would send her into a frenzy. You only make that mistake once. Lindsay picked out the pajamas. I deemed them wearable and we continued on with our day.

When we got home, she left me to do the rest of the setting up. She left to see Andrew. I gave her a fake smile and let her go. Once the door closed behind her, I frowned immediately. I wasn't sure why, but the sound of his name bugged me.

I spend too much time around Griffin.

Actually, you don't spend enough time with him considering you two haven't kissed.

I rolled my eyes at the voice in my head. She was really starting to bother me. I had no idea where the voice came from. It hadn't existed most of my life and now here it was. My mind wasn't as perverted as she made it before. I decided to ignore it for the time being. I had too much work to do.

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