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Chapter Six: I Refuse to be Sexy Chucky

Unsurprisingly, Griffin left soon after my statement. For a brief second, I felt guilt. I shouldn't have yelled at him like that. The guilt didn't last long when I realized he was the reason I was upset in the first place. He shouldn't have provoked me in the first place. Periods are universal. No matter who you are or where you are, you know a woman on her period is a force not to be reckoned with.

Monday arrived sooner than I had hoped. I threw on a blue sweater with black jeans. They weren't tight since I was bloated and couldn't bother squeezing into tight pants. My hair was in a bun and I didn't bother with makeup today. It seemed like too much. After I decided I was okay for the day, I grabbed a bagel and headed for the door. Micah and I were still not talking so I walked alone again.

Kira and Indie were waiting for me outside of the school. Kira had a bright smile on her face and Indie was busy flirting with Bradley, her boyfriend. Her had his arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him. She winked at him before turning to me. As soon as she saw me, she frowned.

"Did Micah do anything you? I swear I'll-"

"No, I just hate my life," I glared at Bradley, suddenly seeing all men as the enemy. "You're one lucky motherfucker."

His eyes widened, "What did I-"

"Period," Indie and Kira sighed simultaneously.

He nodded, understanding the situation. We continued into the school, Kira and Indie looking like queens in comparison to me. If I had worn the stained sweatpants, there wasn't a doubt in my mind someone would hand me a dollar. Then again, that wouldn't be a bad idea. I'd make enough to save up for a car.

As I contemplated this, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around and to my surprise and immediate dismay, Micah stood there. I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to talk to me alone. Indie glared at him, ready to pounce at any second. Kira just looked suspicious, as she should. I stayed out and he just sighed.

"Mackenzie, we're on a break, right?" I nodded and he continued. "So that would mean we get to see other people?"

"That's what this is about? You really think I'm about to give you permission to cheat on me?" I glared.

Before he could respond, Indie jumped in. Her black leather jacket giving her a dangerous look, "Micah, if you cheat on her, I'll rip your throat out."

She smiled, though we could all sense the sarcasm in it. Micah became visibly uncomfortable, but still stood tall. His olive skin was a bit darker. He must've gone out and gotten a spray tan. It wasn't unusual for him. Micah's always hated his olive skin. He always complains about how he wished he had darker skin. I, on the other hand, have always loved my butterscotch skin tone.

"Look, we're not technically together," He tried reasoning with me.

I felt tears stinging my eyes. I was overcome with a feeling of disappointment and sadness. He wanted to cheat on me. He couldn't care about me as much as he said or as much as I believed. Otherwise, he'd be able to wait or try to work out our problems. Instead, he was ready to move on to the next girl. Instead of crying in front of him, I took a deep breath.

"Do what you want, Micah. Just leave me out of it," My voice was colder than I thought.

He quickly realized what I meant, "Kenzie-"

I put my hand up, stopping him, "You're obviously not satisfied with this relationship any longer. I'm not about to let you toy with my emotions. Goodbye Micah."

I abruptly spun on my heel and marched down the hallway. Hot tears poured from my eyes. I wasn't necessarily sad. I was angrier than anything. He actually thought I was going to consider being his number two. What's even worse is he did it in front of my friends. He didn't even have the decency to pull me aside and have a private conversation.

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