-N I N E T E E N-

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Chapter Nineteen: Do You Not Speak English?!


That's what I heard from Griffin. Absolutely nothing. I didn't know whether it was because of what I said or what I did. Either way, he hadn't spoken to me the rest of the week. I had to wait until Monday after the break to see him. Even then, I had to wait until lunch or the afternoon to see him.

"Dude, it's gonna be fine," Indie said, munching on her burger. "It's not like he has a girlfriend or anything."

I froze. He could've had a girlfriend and I just kissed his cheek. I just learned about his mom and he doesn't talk about his life much. He could have a girlfriend and I didn't know. It would explain why he's so closed off. My hands started to sweat.

"He doesn't have a girlfriend, right?" Kira smiled nervously.

"I don't know," I whispered fearfully. "Shit! What if he does?! What if he just told her and she dumped him?! I'm a homewrecker! He's gonna hate me for the rest of eternity! I'm such a fucking idiot!"

Kira gave me a sympathetic look why Indie rolled her eyes and continued to eat. I smacked my forehead, hating myself. It was decided: I'm a homewrecker. There's no alternative. He has a girlfriend. Well, had at this point. I ruined that for him and now he hates me.

"Mackenzie, would you cool it? Your worrying is making me lose my appetite," Indie groaned. "Why don't you just text him?"

"He doesn't have a phone," I sighed. "He's that kind of guy."

"Go to his house after school or something. Just calm the fuck down and let me eat," Indie glared.

After lunch, I was a bundle of nerves. I couldn't go to his house, but I knew if I just called his name, he'd show up. I nearly vomited when I saw that he was here today and just didn't talk to me. I spent most of my afternoon trying to focus on anything but him. It wasn't too hard since we didn't sit together in our classes and I had a period away from him.

Then last period arrived.

I sat down, plugging in my headphones and pulling my hood on. I hoped the song would distract me enough to get through the rest of the day, but it didn't. I couldn't help but notice when Griffin sat down next to me. From the corner of my eye, I could see that he didn't look mad at all. He looked as relaxed as he could be.

I started copying down the notes on the board, attempting to look focused. My mind couldn't be further away from the board. Especially since I had realized he still had my notebook and I was writing in my History notebook.

After a while, the ten-minute bell rang. It was like a huge weight being removed from my shoulders. In a few minutes, I'd be free to hide in my room and force myself to deal with him tomorrow. Until then, I had to continue to try to distract myself. The dismissal bell finally rang and I hauled ass to my locker. I opened my locker and scrambled to get my books as quickly as I could.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I mustered up all the courage I could and turned to Griffin. He pointed to his ear, wanting me to take one of my headphones out. I hesitantly pulled out the earbud and braced myself.

"Are you okay?" Was all he said.

I nodded my head slowly, "Uh, yeah. Are you?"

He nodded, "I don't know of a reason not to be."

I felt relieved but angry at the same time. I grabbed my bag and dragged Griffin outside. He reluctantly followed. He may have tried to hide it, but I could tell he was hesitant. I didn't care. He didn't speak to me all day and had me believe he hated my guts when he was perfectly fine.

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