-T W E N T Y - E I G H T-

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Chapter Twenty-eight: Idiot Friends

After a few days of being sick, I finally felt better. Luckily for me, it was the weekend and I got to spend it relaxing. Unfortunately, Monday rolled around quicker than I hoped and I was back at school. Everyone was talking about Brooke and Taylor. Apparently, they became best friends while I was gone. I knew today wasn't going to be easy.

My morning classes went smoothly. I was surprised. Brooke didn't like me and Taylor pretty much hated me. Those two teaming up seemed like bad news for me. Then again, maybe they just liked each other. Everything wasn't about me.

On my way to lunch, I stopped by my locker, needing to grab my phone. I accidentally left it in my locker last hour. I grabbed it and slipped it in my pocket. I shut the door and revealed Taylor and Brooke standing together. Taylor's minions were behind them, crossing their arms like Taylor. Brooklyn's hands were on her hips. They were all smirking.

Would you look at that? Now I get what Spongebob meant by 'idiot friends'.

"Hey Mackenzie," Taylor's voice was laced with venom.

"What do you want? It's lunch and I'm hungry," I rolled my eyes.

Brooke raised an eyebrow, "We'll make this short in that case. You and Griffin need to separate. You're making Taylor uncomfortable and we wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"Why would Taylor care about our friendship?" I copied her expression.

"Friendship?! Please!" Taylor scoffed. "You practically throw yourself at him-"

Brooks shot Taylor a glare that shut her up immediately. Brooke turned to me, "Listen, just back off. Otherwise, you'll regret it."

I almost laughed, "I'm not afraid of you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lunch to get to."

I went to leave, but Brooke grabbed my arm. I tried pulling my arm away, but she wouldn't let go. She shot Taylor a look and her and her minions left us alone. Brooke turned to me and her smirk dropped immediately. Her glowing green eyes darkened a shade.

"You're a human, so I wouldn't expect you to understand, but I'll help you. Reapers aren't your little servants. Griffin follows you around like a pup because he's assigned to you. I'm not, so I could murder you right now and blame it on someone else. You haven't seen part of the power we Reapers possess," She glared.

I scoffed, "I'm not gonna listen to you-"

"Really? Even if it means you could end up six feet under like your whore of a grandmother?"

I was filled with rage in seconds, "How dare you-"

She died because of me.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, "Stop this."

She grinned, letting go of me, "Stop what? I only help bring the truth to the surface."

She stopped taking her medicine and I didn't care enough to notice.

"No," I stumbled backward. "That's not true."

"Then why are you trying to convince yourself?"

She was counting on me and I failed her. That's why she's dead.

I ran.

I had no idea where I was going, but I just kept going. In the middle of running, I realized I knew exactly where I wanted to go. Before I could reach the bathroom, I bumped into Indie. She saw the tears in my eyes and frowned.


I zipped past her and into the bathroom. I locked myself in the stall and sank to the floor. Indie banged on the stall door. I refused to get up and open the door. I needed to be alone. I had to be alone. The thoughts Brooke put in my head were true.

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