-T H I R T Y - N I N E-

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Chapter 39: I Promise


I expected many things. I expected to feel guilt or shame. After all, I had kissed my client. Not only was that against every rule, it's also frowned upon. The council is known to punish those who break their rules. I knew firsthand how the council reacts to things like this. Knowing all of this, I absolutely knew how guilty I'd feel.

And yet, I couldn't get myself to feel even a bit of remorse.

In fact, I felt pride. A sort of twisted pleasure I only felt around Mackenzie. Just seeing her was enough. Knowing I could hug her and comfort her filled me with that pleasure. She was driving me insane, but I couldn't get enough of it. She was a drug and I was becoming an addict. If there wasn't a smile on her face, I made sure to put one there. Mackenzie without a smile was like a day without light. I felt it was my job to restore that light.

I had spent the night mulling over everything her file said about her death. After hours of thinking, nothing lined up correctly. There was no way she could be an uncertain death. Early deaths are usually tracked down. It's the death of elders that are usually ruled as uncertain. The people in charge of death usually spend less time on elders considering they don't need a reason beyond age.

I finally got out of bed when I heard my phone ring. I knew it had to be Mackenzie or one of her friends. No one else had my number since Reapers don't need phones. Communication has always been a simple task for us. The only reason I had one was to please Mackenzie. Truth be told, I hated the thing. It had no purpose.

I picked up my phone and saw the name Mackenzie gave herself.

Kenzie Ken: Going on a girls' trip. Absolutely NO SNOOPING.

I rolled my eyes. She knew me all too well. Over time, I became more than just a Reaper. Being a Reaper only meant keeping your client alive until their death date and answering any questions they may have. While being created, we're given a sense of urgency, causing us to get a feeling when something's wrong with our clients. Reapers usually only use this ability in order to keep their clients from doing something to endanger themselves. I, however, became a guardian towards her. Even if it was a small problem, I was there. I couldn't bring myself to ignore her.

Me: No promises.

Kenzie Ken: Griffin, I mean it.

Me: So do I.

She didn't respond afterward. I knew she was done with the conversation at this point. It was understandable. I knew I could be overbearing at times, but I couldn't help it. Even the thought of something happening to Mackenzie sent me into a frenzy. She could take care of herself, but I preferred to be there in case she couldn't.

I took a deep breath and got ready for my day. I wasn't satisfied with the results I got from Mackenzie's case file. Once I felt I was presentable, I headed to the case offices. There was no doubt in my mind it would be crowded today. Kids were starting to get their first assignments, so everyone would be there. However, I wasn't worried. Since I had years of experience and my father was a member of the council, I had a pass to check out the files.

I strolled through the glass doors, waving at the receptionists. Before I could make it any further, a small figure hopped in front of me. The second I caught a glimpse of the platinum hair, I knew exactly who it was. I couldn't keep myself from rolling my eyes.

Certain Reapers decide not to work out on the field. Some are in charge of the deaths and causes while others organize files and assign cases. Then there are the people who do neither and work as receptionists. There wasn't anything wrong with receptionists as far as I was concerned. We all have jobs and as long as they did theirs, there wasn't a problem.

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