-T H I R T Y - O N E-

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Chapter Thirty-one: If Your Friends Jumped off a Cliff

"Mackenzie, it's a no. Thank you for concerning yourself with my personal life, but I have it handled," His voice was calm, but I could tell he was fed up with me.

I spent the day trying to convince him to celebrate his birthday. He was turning twenty. No longer a teenager. It was a big deal and he couldn't be any less excited. His lack of enthusiasm wasn't going to stop me.

I took my seat next to him, opening my new algebra notebook. He still hadn't returned mine and I had work to do. He busied himself by doodling in his notebook, something he does in last hour now. Mrs. Tillerman wouldn't dare say anything on account of what happened last time. Instead, she just ignores him and spends more time annoying me.

"It's your twentieth-"

"Ms. Oliver," Mrs. Tillerman warned. "Focus on your work."

"Sure thing! After you tell him how important his birthday is!" I crossed my arms.

She frowned, "Is now really the time-"

"Of course! He can't walk away while we're in class!" I retorted.

One of Taylor's minions spun around in her seat, "Your birthday's coming up? When?"

"Screw off, Jade," I growled. She rolled her eyes and turned around again. I sighed. "Fine. I'll wait."

Class passed by excruciatingly slow. Once the bell rang, I almost let out a cry of happiness. Griffin marched out of the room, trying to get away from me as quickly as possible. I stopped talking, but I kept passing him notes. I was determined. I followed closely behind him. There was no way he was getting out of celebrating his birthday if I have something to do with it.

He set his books in his locker and kept walking, not even stopping to glance back at me. I somehow knew this had something to do with his mom passing away. When Grandma passed, I didn't want to celebrate anything. What was there to celebrate? My grandmother was dead. Eventually, I learned she would want me to live on and be happy. I wanted Griffin to realize the same thing.


"Mackenzie, can we talk?"

I thought the sound of the voice would send me into a frenzy. That I'd carry some sort of fear towards him. However, the sound of Micah's voice made me angrier than anything. I wanted to whirl around and beat the crap out of him. It seemed like everyone else got the chance to. What he did wasn't bothering me. That was months ago. It was the fact that he wouldn't leave me alone.

I would've done it too, except Griffin stepped in and grabbed my hand. Pain flashed in Micah's eyes for a split second, but he quickly covered it up by clearing his throat. I knew he still thought something was going on between Griffin and I. That he was holding my hand because he was being protective. I knew that Griffin only had my hand in his because, otherwise, I'd lunge at Micah in seconds.

"What could you possibly want-"

"I want to apologize," He stated seriously.

I raised an eyebrow, "For attacking me? Or continuing to bother me?"

He sighed, "Both. And the last two years."

I gave Griffin's hand a squeeze, signaling for him to give us some space. I knew this conversation wasn't supposed to be shared with a third party. Griffin took the hint and walked away, though I knew he wouldn't be too far. Micah knew the same thing, which is why he didn't move any closer to me once Griffin was gone.

"Proceed," I spoke with confidence, but inside, I was anxious to hear what he had to say.

Part of me was afraid he was lying. That this was another trick to hurt me. I was always skeptical of Micah these days. Everything he did was backhanded unless he was upfront. I wanted to believe fully that he could be a good guy, but I couldn't. Not anymore.

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