-T W E L V E-

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Chapter Twelve: The Next Day

I peeled my eyes open and immediately regretted it. My head was pounding. The light was hurting my eyes. I felt like crap. If this is what happens every time you drink, I was done drinking. I shut my eyes and groaned. I knew if I moved my head would kill me. Instead, I just stayed still.

I heard someone moving around in the room. If we were being robbed, I was no match for the robbers. They were going to take everything and I'd just sit here and let it happen. Honestly, I didn't have a problem with that. All I could focus on was my head and how badly it hurt. It was so bad, I was starting to get nauseous. I just wanted it to end.

"Get up. You need to take some medicine and get in the shower," It was Indie. She tossed some clothes on me. "I took the liberty of putting your medicine on the nightstand next to you and giving you some orange juice."

I stuck my hand out and felt the small bottle. I knew exactly what it was. I opened my eyes and took the medicine. I also realized I was at Indie's house. After a few more minutes of just lying in bed, I got up and took a long shower. My piercing migraine was now just a small headache. I pulled my hair into a loose bun and pulled on the clothes Indie gave me. I left some of my clothes at her house, so I was all set. I was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and jeans. Kira and Indie were sitting in the dining room eating and talking.

I took a seat next to them, helping myself to the plate of breakfast food in the middle of the table. It was after twelve so Indie's parents were out. It was just us in the house. She didn't have a large house. Just a small family home with a guest room. The guest room was for her grandparents when they visited since Kira and I tended to stay in her room.

"Last night sucked!" Kira groaned, sipping on her drink.

"I'm the one who had to watch you!" Indie scoffed.

I took a bite of a piece of bacon, "I can't remember a thing."

They both gaped at me. Indie was the first to speak, "You were that out of it?!"

I shrugged, "So long as I didn't do anything embarrassing, I don't care."

"Define embarrassing," Indie bit her lip.

I dropped my bacon, "What did I do?"

"The minute we left, you got drunk. Griffin said you were all over some guy and he had to drag you away. Then you took a nap in the grass, so he had to carry you to the car," I could tell she was stifling a laugh. "Then you started cuddling up to him in your sleep."

I dropped my head on the table, "Please tell me that's the end."

"Almost. To top it all off, you pulled him into bed with you and he had to pry you off of him," She broke out into laughter.

I felt like dying. What was wrong with me? Besides the alcohol. I was all over him. He must've been so uncomfortable and I had no boundaries. To make matters worse, he was alone with me for a while. There's no telling what I did. Hopefully, it wasn't more embarrassing than it already is.

I sighed and let them get their giggles out. I was a mess when I was drunk. Though the hangover was probably the worst thing I've ever witnessed, I wouldn't mind doing it again. Except I wouldn't drink as much. I would like to remember my night. Especially since apparently, I did a lot last night.

Once they sobered up, Indie turned to me seriously, "Griffin's good for you. He's a good person."

I gave her a puzzled look, "What are you talking about? I already told you, Griffin and I aren't dating-"

"I know that. He's still good for you. He's respectful and I just get a good vibe from him. Keep him around, okay?" She stared at me with such intensity.

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