-E L E V E N-

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Chapter Eleven: The Party

Friday finally arrived. The second the final bell rang, I flew out of the school and practically sprinted home. I was excited to finally start crossing things off my bucket list. My first drink was only hours away. I took my dog for a quick jog around the neighborhood and quickly got back home. I had no time to waste.

I got dressed, adding a few accessories to the outfit Lindsay picked out. It was cute, but it needed a bit more. I put on a black choker with a small gold heart hanging from it. Next, I added a simple gold bracelet and matching hoop earrings.

I unbraided my French braids and sprayed my hair with water to make it curlier. I moisturized it well and started with my makeup. Instead of only doing my lips and eyes, I was doing my entire face. I put on foundation and made sure to fill in my eyebrows. I decided on brown eyeshadow and a nice wing. My lips were pink. Once I was satisfied with my work, I applied my setting spray and checked my phone.

7:49 PM.

Kira and Indie were probably on their way by now. I sprayed myself with perfume before slipping into a pair of flats and grabbing my bag. Before I stepped out of my room, I checked myself out once more in the mirror. I looked good. More than that. I was beautiful. I snapped a quick picture before spinning around.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't consent to any pictures," Griffin raised an eyebrow.

I jumped, "When did you even get here?!"

"You didn't hear me knock on your open door?"

I sighed, "Well I'm on my way to a party. Please close your door on the way out."

He frowned, "I'm coming with you."

My eyes widened. Then I noticed he wasn't wearing only blacks and grays. He had on a normal blue shirt and black jeans. He still had boots on, but everything else was completely different. Everything but his curly hair. I knew he could see the shock on my face because he let out a sigh.

"Kira and Indie invited me. Then I thought about what you said about me being around teenagers and needing to speak like one. That eventually made me think I should probably dress like one too."

I smiled. He actually listened to me, "Blue looks good on you."

He nodded, a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. I looked down at my phone and saw what he meant. He was in the background of my picture, arms crossed. He didn't look as awkward as I thought. In fact, he looked relaxed. I smiled to myself before locking my phone and leading him outside. We passed Tanner on our way and I made sure not to acknowledge him.

Tanner and I haven't spoken since Wednesday. It's not like he didn't try. He's tried to talk to me multiple times. Usually at night when he knows we're both awake. I just ignore him. I'll get around to talking to him again, but I wanted him to know how much he hurt me. What he did wasn't cool and I wasn't just going to let him off the hook.

Kira hopped out of the car and squealed, "You look gorgeous!"

I did a curtsey, "Thank you, madam."

"Griffin's actually coming?" She gave me a puzzled look.

I told them about Griffin not being a party kind of guy after the Halloween party. I nodded, "Shocking, I know."

She shrugged before hopping back in the car. Griffin and I sat in the backseat. Indie greeted us before driving down the street. I kicked off my flats and put on my black heel boots. Once I tied them up, I tossed my flats into the bag. I noticed Griffin's confused expression.

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