-T H I R T Y - F I V E-

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Chapter 35: Graduation

I felt my anger bubbling over. I was beyond exhausted. This entire week was busy for me and the stress was getting to me. I wanted to pull my hair out and cry. However, I never got the time to. I was never alone long enough to calm myself or throw a petty tantrum.

Our last rehearsal for graduation took up the majority of my morning. By the time we were finally finished, I was in the worst mood I could be in. I was a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any moment. Indie just happened to catch me at the wrong time. All it took was Indie to say something about Griffin and I being a couple. Instead of yelling, I simply marched into the parking lot.

The parking lot was as far as I could get before Griffin stopped me. The concern was clear on his face, but I couldn't seem to make myself care. I didn't want to blow up on Griffin, especially since he was the only considerate person in my life this week. He knew just how tired and stressed I was, so he kept his distance as much as he could. I was grateful. However, my nerves weren't good enough for me to take that into consideration.

"Hey, what's up? You've been so tense lately-"

I shook my head, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Why is that?"

"Because I don't want to. The end," I kept my answers vague.

His eyebrows shot up, "That's not a real reason-"

"Because none of this will matter in four months! I'll be dead!" I blurted, probably louder than necessary.

His expression softened, and his shoulders dropped. He took a hesitant step closer to me, as if I were a rabid dog. I felt the sudden urge to rebel. The combination of stress and exhaustion was getting to me and making me think irrationally. I knew that I was wrong, but I couldn't stop myself. There was nothing I could do to calm myself.

Griffin took another step towards me. I smiled sarcastically before glaring and stomping away. Rehearsal was held in the arena rather than the school. The arena was further away from my house than the school. Because of that, Griffin drove us here. Even so, I wanted to prove my point. I didn't want to be consoled. I wanted to rage.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. It was more tempting than any other plans I had on my bucket list. I began sprinting away, ignoring the rest of the world around me. My mind could only focus on one thing. I usually didn't make many impulsive decisions. They always seemed so arrogant. However, now I couldn't help myself. I was blinded by the immediate rush it gave me.

Soon enough, I found myself in front of the water tower. My heart was pounding in my ears. My discarded robes pooled around my feet. Fortunately, I wore sweatpants instead of jeans. I took a deep breath and began to climb. I didn't get that far before I heard Griffin calling out to me. Try as I might, I couldn't block him out.

"Mackenzie! Please come down from there! It's dangerous!"

"How many times do you get the chance to scale a water tower?!" I shouted, reaching for the railing.

"You're going to kill yourself!"

I rolled my eyes, "You and I both know that won't matter in a few months, will it?"

I continued climbing up the water tower, feeling that wonderful rush of adrenaline, everyone's been bragging about. All my life I've missed out on it. I stayed in the lines. Not today. Not anymore. As my fingers wrapped around the railing and I climbed higher, I felt refreshed. My mind was clear for once. It was just me and the wind.

Surprisingly, I made it to the top without incident. I took a seat and looked out at the city. It all seemed so peaceful from up here. It was like I was the only one in the world for just a moment. I knew that feeling wouldn't last long, but I relished in it for as long as I could. I thought all of my problems would melt away, but the view brought them all to the light.

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