Chapter Two: Quidditch Tryouts

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 I was woken by a loud, and annoying, tap on the window. It wasn't until I stood up did I notice I had a blanket on me. I'm guessing Draco put it on me before he went to sleep in his room. That was actually pretty sweet, especially from Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater.

The tapping kept going on, so I went to the window so it was a large, brown barn owl with a letter tied to its leg. I opened the window and the large owl flew in and stood on the edge of one of the chairs. As I untie the letter I notice that it has the offical Hogwarts sign stamped on its back. After I untie the the letter, the large owl almost the moment I was done flew back out the window. The letter was from Headmistress McGonagall; it was my schedule for the year. Today i had double potions, herbology, trangsfiguration, and charms. Amazing!

I take my book with me in my room and threw it on my bed. I grab my school robes and some clothes to wear under it then went into the bathroom me and Draco share, locking the door behind me so he won't come in as I'm getting dressed. I stopped in my tracks as I walked in. The room was a complete, white circle. In the middle of the room was a circular bathroom the size of a pretty large pool. About twenty showers went aroudn the room, a sink on either side of the showers. Little circular windows were lining the top of the walls. But that was nothing comparied to the ceiling, whcih was just a giant, circular window, stairing at the beautifully blue sky. I could only imagine it's beauty on a starry night.

After I take my quick shower, I get dressed then run in my room to put my pajamas away and slinging my bone-crushing heavy knapsack over my shoulder, I checked my reflection in the mirror. Yep, still bush haired as ever.

As I left my room, I noticed Draco was standing in front of the un-lit fireplace, dressed in his school robes.

"Good morning." I tell him as I walk towards the portrait door.

"Morning." Draco said, not taking his eyes off the fireplace.

"Ready to take on the first day back at Hogwarts?" I ask as I open the portrait.

"I suppose." Draco shrugs.

As the portrait closes I hear his voice flow out from the Common Room.

"Good luck, Hermione."


At first class (potions) I had set my caldron next to Ginny's, Luna's, and Neville's. Professor Slughorn ordered us to make a potion that makes people very ill, if you're sucessful in sneaking it into their morning pumpkin juice, that is. Which is very good, I know exactly how to do this potion inside and out. I've read about it before!

Mine was a bright yellow, lumpy liquid by the time only 15 minutes were left to class, which is perfect because it looked exactly like it does on page 15 of 'Advanced Potion Making'. Ginny's was milky white and lumpy, almost right. Luna's was a bright yellow, but terribly runny. Neville's looked exactly like water, Knowing potions wasn't Neville strongest subject (his grandmother probably put him in this class) so I decided to help him. His was like Ginny's by the time there were only 7 minutes to class left.

Ol' Slughorn was very pleased with my potion. He said it was the best potion in the class, which caused three girls from Slytherin to give me some dirty looks, one was Pansy Parkinson. But Slughorn being very close to those in his 'Slug Club' took 2 points from Slytherin each, and gave Gryffindor 10 points for my potion. With Harry and his Half-Blood Prince book gone, I don't really have any competition again.

I looked around the classroom at the last few minutes and noticed that Draco was sitting at the back of the room on a table by himself. His two old bestfriends arn't here. One of them died, and the other didn't come back to Hogwarts. Draco looked lonely and helpless; it was quite sad, in my eyes.

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