Chapter Eight: First Date

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Wonderful. That's the only way to explain how my time with Draco has been. Wonderful.

Pansy has detention, but McGonagall said if she puts another toe out of line she wouldn't be so nice. Which I'm very pleased with since she will no longer be bothering me and Draco since I highly doubt she would like to be kicked out of Hogwarts.

Ron left to go back to the Burrow. Ginny told me that Harry had written her a letter saying Mrs. and Mr. Weasley were very upset with Ron. But Ron, being the big bloke he was, told them off about how he was 'an adult now' and that he 'could make descions for himself' but Mrs. Weasley, being the amazing woman I love, grounded him anyways.

So all in all, I'm just happy.

To be honest this seems like the best time at Hogwarts yet. Ron is completely different from Draco, and that's what I love so much about Draco. But that's mean.. he can't read this, so I guess it's okay..

Draco slowly rapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close. He leaned down so he could whisper in my ear. I could smell his peppermint breath.

"You ready to go to Hogsmeade?" Draco whispered.

I laughed and lightly pushed his cheek away from me.

"Of course I'm ready!" I reply, rolling my eyes.

My breath turned to frost as I spoke.

Different people from different houses pushed past us on the trail to Hogsmeade. Everyone was in such a rush together because this is the first time we've went there this year. Also because it's freazing cold outside. 1 month until christmas; so this should be an amazing time to get gifts!

For the past week I've been trying to squeeze what Draco wants for christmas out of him; with no luck, of course. I should have figured that. I mean, he is a former death eater. He should be pretty good at keeping things to himself if he worked for the Dark Lord and didn't spill it to anyone in Hogwarts, where news travels fast.

"They question is," I told Draco, "are you ready?"

Draco looked up at the bright grey sky and thought for a moment.

"You know what," Draco said matter-of-factly, "I think I actually am."

I giggled lightly to myself. I felt my body shiver at the bitterly cold air. The wind picked up and hit any of my bare flesh like knifes. Draco noticed how cold I was and pulled my clsoer to him. He slowly rubbed my arms with his hands. I smiled and laid my head on his chest since I wasn't tall enough to lay my head on his shoulder. But on the bright side his chest was just as warm.

Draco lightly placed a hand on my head and started slowly smoothing down my head. He ran his hand through my hair and I could hear the familia and comforting sound of his heart beating against his wonderfully strong and warm chest.

Sooner then I expected we arrived at Hogsmeade. The mouth-watering spell of Honeydukes flew through the air. Warm air breazed from the Three Broomsticks.

"Where do you want to go first?" Draco asked me, poking my side.

I jumped when his finger hit my side and I slowly backed away.

"I am going to meet Ginny by the Shrieking Shack. You, can go to the Three Broomsticks, or Honeydukes, or whatever. I'll meet you at the enterace of Hogsmeade in a half an hour, kay?" I said very rush like.

I didn't want to leave Draco, but Ginny and I was going to go hunting for christmas presents. Ginny wanted me to help her picking something out of Harry since I've know a lot about him.

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