Chapter Nine: Stolen

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Both Draco and I agreed to stay at Hogwarts for christmas. Draco seems more interested in speending his holidays with me instead of with his mourning mother. And I'd actually would love to spend christmas with Draco for the first time. This way I'd get to see the expression on his face when he opens the gift from me. I'm actually pretty nervous about giving Draco his gift. What if he doesn't like it? My heart sinks at the thought.

I wonder what Draco got me. He keeps drowning on and on about how he has got the perfect gift for me, although I don't know how he's got it unless he went shopping when I was shopping with Ginny the other day in Hogsmeade. Him saying he's got the perfect gife just makes it so much harder on me to get him the perfect gift.

A serect has spilled that this year Hogwarts will be holding a christmas party. One for years 1-4 and another for 5-7. I'm actually considering going, even if it would put me out of my comfort zone. Maybe it's about time I push myself out of my comfort zone. How could you have a little fun in life if you don't push the bounderies? Now, that doesn't sound like Hermione Granger at all.

"Hullo Hermione," Luna said lightly.

She sat next to me at the Gryffindor table at breakfast time. I looked around wide-eyed.

"Luna," I whispered urgently, "You're a Ravenclaw! You can't sit at the Gryffindor table!"

"Like I've never done it before." Luna said causally, grabbing a piece of peanut buttered toast and taking no time to begin eating it.

"Hermione! Hermione!" I heard a voice call out to me.

I looked around frantically. Ginny came running up to the other side of the table and sat down quickly. She had a book in her hand.

"Hey, Hermione!" Ginny said breathlessly, "Luna." Ginny greeted.

Ginny gaped at Luna for a second, probably wondering what she was doing at the Gryffindor table, but gave up and looked back at me.

"Look at Rita Skeeter's latest book!" Ginny squealled, holding up a green book.

On the cover was a small lightening bolt and four words written in a cold color; 'The Boy Who Lived.'

"Is that..." I drifted off.

"Yes!" Ginny answered before I could finish.

"What is it?" Luna asked dreamily.

"It's a book..." I started.

"About Harry..." Ginny finished.

"A book about Harry's life..." Luna concluded.

Ginny and I both nodded.

"Except," Ginny added, "It tells a bunch of lies!"

"Like?" I asked, taking a large bite of my cereal.

"It says you had a thing for Harry!"

The cereal flew out of my mouth a spread across the table. I quickly grabbed a napkin and started dabbing at my mouth before I ripped the napkin in half and threw it at the table.

"That slimey cockroach!" I snapped, "I thought I set her straight in 5th year!"

"Doesn't look like it!" Ginny informed me, "She has a whole chapter dedicated to Harry's realtionships!"

"Did she mention you?" I asked Ginny.

"Yeah, a bit." Ginny admitted, scanning through the book.

"A bit?" I asked.

Luna sighed loudly.

"This peanut butter is chunky," Luna grumbled, "I don't like chunky peanut butter."

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