Chapter Sixteen: Golden Fields

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My ink splashed over on the floor when I rushed to write down the answers on my transfiguration homework. I swore to myself and dropped down on my hands and knees, staring at the stain I had just created on the small carpet. I snatched my wand off the desk beside me.

"Reparo." I groaned, pointing my wand towards the mess.

As if my wand was a mini vaccum cleaner, it sucked up all the black ink from the no-longer stained carpet. I smiled at it admiringly. I took pride in my repairing spells. With a knot in my stomach, I remembered many years ago when I was on the Howarts Express and had only just met Harry and Ron when I fixed Harry's glasses with that very spell. A smile slowly crept onto my face; it felt used and unnatural. I didn't smile much these days, unless I was with Draco. But I haven't been able to spend much time with Draco, we've both been very busy with studying for OWL's.

They were only a few weeks away, and you know me! Study, study, study. My life style. Do you understand how bad I would feel if I failed one of the OWL's? I wouldn't want to be there, I'd probably have a spazz and hurt someone.

A light knock danced on the surface of my door. I called 'enter' and Luna slowly crept in, watching me carefully as she did so. I straightened up and smiled at her.

"Hey, Luna!" I called.

"Hello." Luna replied, staring around the room as if she has never been in here before. "Where's Draco?"

"Oh, studying for OWL's." I shrugged. "Why arn't you studying?"

"A break." Luna said flatly.

Luna walked gracefully into the room and sat herself down on my soft bed. I got up off the floor and sat down next to Luna on my bed. She had a worried and nervous exspression planted on her face. I studied her for a moment longer.

"Are you okay, Luna?" I asked, deciding something was bothering her.

"No." Luna admitted.

I waited a minute, thinking she would tell me what was wrong with her. When she didn't tell me, I decided to ask.

"What's wrong, then?" I said carefully.

"It's the OWL's." Luna said. "I'm horrid at potions.."

"Would you like some help studying?" I asked with a small smile.

Luna carefully nodded at me. I smiled even more brightly. I don't understand why people are so nervous about asking me for help with studying, it's not like their cheating on their OWL's. The only people who were open with me helping them study or doing some of their homework was Harry and Ron.

"Alrighty!" I cried, standing up and retreating to my bag, where I pulled out my potions book and made my way back to the bed. "Let's get started, shall we?"

"Draco?" I asked, scanning his face.

"Yeah?" Draco asked. He didn't take his face off of the book he was reading.

We were in the library, studying for the OWL's, as usual. It was quiet, although many students were inside. The only noise was the scattered whispers, a page of a book being turned, or the scratching noise of a quill against parchament.

"Do you want to do something?" I tried to avoid the look on Draco's face. "Something- something fun? I really want to get away from all this studying.."

Draco and I haven't done anything together in a long, long time. We've both been to busy. Both of u studying for OWL's, me going to Slughorn's dinners (Draco haven't been invited to a dinner since Draco and I had a fight at one of them), Draco going to his Qudditch practices and games, me trying to fit in time to hang out with Ginny, Luna, and Neville. With all that on our shoulders, we haven't had much time with each other.

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