Chapter Eighteen: Last Day

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They say not to marry young. But I never was one to follow everyone else; that's exactly why I said 'yes' to Draco.

"What should the wedding dress look like? Maybe like a bright white, with sparkles here, and oi! A tiara! I could get one from Fleur if you'd like. Oh, and who are you inviting? Me, or course. What about Ron? I don't think he'd be too happy about it; I've told Harry, so no doubt Ron knows.. but you should invite him anyways. If he doesn't come, he doesn't come. Who cares? What flavour will the cake be? Maybe vinella, or chocolate, maybe marble! A band! The Weird Sisters; no.. they wouldn't fit in with the feel of the weddding. What's the theme? Maybe a Night in Paris, or, or maybe a Day in the Clouds! Oh, that sounds nice.. like, fluffy pillows, and butterflies flying around.. stars and a moon in the sky. Maybe an outdoor wedding; like Bill and Fleur's. Not in our garden, that would be awkward. Oh! Maybe, maybe--" Ginny drowned on quickly and rushed until I was pushed to the edge and slammed my hand over her mouth, which still moved under my palm. she said muffled things I couldn't hear.

"Okay, that's enough." I stated loudly. It seems like she's more excited for my engament then I am!

"Hermione, she's just excited. I mean, blimey! Who would hvae thought Draco and Hermione would be getting married?" Neville said with the widest eyes.

I giggled as I pulled my hand away from Ginny's over-worked mouth.These talks always made me a bit nervous, for reasons I don't know of. I just loved Draco, I can't explain why. Looks like for once, and only once, Rita Skeeter was actually right. Hermione Granger will soon become Hermione Malfoy. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

"She doesn't have to detail the whole wedding before we even know when it is!" I exclaimed.

"Hermione, she's excited. It's alright with me." Draco said. He placed his muscular arm around my tender shoulders.

I laid my head back on his arm. "Fine." I gave in. I mean, how could I not give in to Draco? "Ginny, continue."

"Alright." Ginny said excitedly, like she has been waiting for this moment her whole life. "As I was saying, maybe the wedding could be on the beach. Oh, maybe by Shell Cottage! No.. that would brin back bad memories. The Order of the Phoniex, Dobby's grave, you guys arriving there from Malfoy's Manor (I shivered at the memory.) so, not there. Oh, and what about the food and drinks? A lot of firewhiskey (I glared at Ginny while Neville and Draco chuckled) or maybe a little. And a lot of Pumpkin juice and Butterbeer, Butterbeer is good! And what about.."


I entered the common room after a long night of hanging with Hagrid at his hut and having dinner with Slughorn.

The first thing I noticed was Draco's shadowy figure sitting on the windowsill. He turned his head towards me at the sound of the portrait shutting behind me.

"Hermione," Draco called out. "Come over here, hurry."

I rushed over, but not too rushed. I knew it couldn't be anything too horrible like Pansy. If it was, he would have been more scared, and no matter how hard Draco could try, I would know when he's scared, concerned, or even sad. It seems like I know Draco better than he knows himself, no matter how cheesy that sounds; it's called love.

I sat next to Draco on the windowsill. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"the stars." Draco said, his eyes studying my face. "Look at them."

I looked up into the sky. The stars were brighter and bigger than usual. They were so beautiful. I had never seen them like it; it was refreshing to see. It reminded me of Lupin. The thought of him brought tears to my eyes, which I had to push back. I wonder how Teddy is doing. I'm sure I'll find out soon, but I can't ponder on that now; what mattered the most to me at this beautiful moment was amazing Draco and myself, sitting on the edge of the window, staring out into the night.

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