Chapter Fifteen: Finding You

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I slammed my fist against Draco's door. I had been waiting for twenty minutes. I mean, how long does it take for a guy to get ready? They get dressed, brush their hair, then brush their teeth and they're ready to go. It should only take them around ten minutes, not going around half an hour.

"Draco! Are you ready?" I bellowed, my voice weak and fragile.

When Draco did not reply I stalked away from his room. I hugged myself in fron of the fire, staring into it's warmth.

After five more minutes of waiting for Draco, I got fed up. "DRACO!"

"Calm down!" Draco yelled back, exiting his room with a large smile.

He slid over and swiftly hung his arm over my shoulders, looking down at me much like a mother looking down at her daughter. He quickly brushed his lips with my own. Even though it was a short and to the normal eye, a meaningless kiss, I still felt the goosebumps down my arms and my back.

"Come on," I pressed, pushing Draco towards the exit, "We are going to be late to go to Hogsmeade."

"Hermione, you're so pushy." Draco laughed, ruffling my already bushy hair.

"That's kind of the point." I said, cocking an eyebrow.

"I love that face!"

"What face?"

Draco patted the top of my head. "That face."

"Stop it!" I cried, smacking away Draco's hand.

"You have been so stressed lately." Draco told me with a goofy grin.

"Sorry," I told Draco. I know I've been cranky. I'm still just a bit shook from the events that took place only late last month. I did not have to explain to Draco about my mood; it would have been around the seventh time the past four days.

Draco pinced my cheek. "It's okay!" He shrugged.

I punched Draco in the shoulder. "Don't punch me!" I cried, rubbing my now-red and throbbing cheek, "I'm still hurting!"

"Pushy." Draco moaned.

I flew Draco dirt look, but I did not have to say anything. Draco said it for me;

"I know, I know!" Draco moaned, grabbing my waist and walking me down the stairs from the tower, "That's the point." He mimicked in a high-pitched voice I could only assume was supposed to be me.

A smile slowly developed onto my once flat-line face. "Exactly." I whispered.

Hogsmeade was beautiful on this fine spring day. All the snow had melted and flowers had grown in its place. The cottage-like houses made shadows on the hot ground. The sun warmed my bare skin merrily, which I did not mind after the long and cold winter days that had finally stopped.

Draco slipped his firm and strong hand into my small, soft hand. I squeezed my hand tightly and drawed me in closer to his body. I felt him kissed the top of my head lightly.

He quickly pulled away from me again. I looked up in surpise, not happy with the sudden withdraw from cuddling with we.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking around, half expecting to see Pansy around. I haven't seen Pansy since that day in the hospital wing. She seems to be avoiding me at all cost. Which I was just fine with!

I chose not to tell on Pansy. Yet. I hate her, don't get me wrong. I just don't want to case to much trouble right now. I wanted this year to be unusually good, although I doubt that with Pansy's short temper and bad jealousy issues. Plus, I do believe Headmistress McGonagall is smart enough to figure out it was Pansy, so I doubt I need to speak of it ever again. Which I exactly what I plan on doing.

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