Chapter Five: Ron's Return

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I don't think Pansy has ever been so terrifying. She has been watching more for a few days now and I feel very uncomfortable. I can't go anywhere without her following me besides in the classes I don't have her, but I'd always find her in the corridors. It was starting to creep me out but I choose to ignore her.

"What'd you get for question 7?" Ginny asked lazily with a yawn.

"Boggart." I answered lightly.

We were finishing our Care of Magical Creatures homeowrk in the library. It was close to midnight, and I was tired, but Ginny won't let me leave until our homework is done.

"Thanks." Ginny said.

"Is that what you got?" I asked, trying to look at her pacthament. But she yanked it away quickly so I wouldn't be able to see it.

"It is now," Ginny commented, quickly writing it down.

I laughed and finished my homework. I stood up and began to gather my things while Ginny watched me closely.

"You know you should be going off to bed now, you've got your first Qudditch game tomorrow. You need your rest." I said, tilting my head to the side.

Ginny had been very nervous about this game ever since she found out she was captain of the Gryffindor team back at the end of summer. It was this game that she could prove that she chose the perfect people for the team, which wouldn't happen of they lose against Slytherin.

"Thanks for reminding me." Ginny sighed.

She followed me up the corridor until we walked by the portraitwhich was the door to the Gryffindor tower. The Fat Lady stood there with a glass of weird looking wine in her goblet.

"Pifico." Ginny yawned as she waved goodbye to me.

"Get some rest, can't wait to see the game against Gryffindor and Slytherin! You'll bet them for sure!" I smiled.

Ginny laughed.

"Yeah, I hope so."  

"Hey." I called as I entered the dark common room, "Why are you still up? Qudditch game tomorrow."

"So," Draco shrugged, "I'm not tired."

"Oh." I commented, flinging myself next to him on the couch.

I looked at Draco. He was slumped over and he had dark bags under his eyes. His thin lips were slightly open, his eyes barely staying open.

"You look tired," I told Draco, "Go to sleep."

"No." Draco whispered, looing away from me.

"Draco." I insisted, sitting up unusually straight, "Go to sleep."

"Hermione! I said no!" Draco snapped, getting up from the couch and stomping towards his room furiously.

"You never listen." Draco yelled as he slammed his room door shut.

I sat there on the couch, listening to the cracking fire, looking at the empty space that one Draco Malfoy had been sitting. I missed the feeling of him being near. I miss the sound of his breath in the air. I miss the smell of his hair. I miss the taste of his lips. I miss all of him even though he was only a few feet away.

A loud thud woke me up the next morning. I streched in my bed, not really paying attention to the noise until I heard Draco moan painfully. I jumped out of my bed, out of my room, and into Draco's room. His room was just like mind, the circle bed, dresser, closet, personal bathroom, and two large circular windows.

Draco was lying on the floor by his bed, holding his side and groaning in pain. I rushed over to him and slid next to him on the floor, putting my head on his thigh.

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