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"Your bickering, is beyond irritating" a guy walked into the room, he looks a lot like Luke, except he had light blue eyes.

"I'm sorry father" I felt an elbow bump me, as I looked angrly toward Luke, as he said under his breath "Apologize now" I flipped him off.

"Honey!" she squealed as he picked her up and spun her around "I want you to meet Luke's mate," they were staring into each others eyes like they had been apart for years, it was strange.

They turned toward us, but still held on to each other, like their life depended on it. They looked really happy that they were with each other and were so in loved. That's when the tears started to fall down my cheek, as the thought of never having this with Joel again was heart breaking. I was having a hard time breathing as I felt hands on me as my body gave out. I knew they were talking, but I could not hear or speak, there was a large burning lump in my throat as my ears felt really hot and on fire. After a short time, I started to calm down and my vision was not so blurry and I could hear, but I still felt a pain in my chest. I looked around the room as Luke sat next to me holding my hand, and his so-called 'parents sat on a couch a few feet away.

"Annie are you okay, you collapsed can you tell me what happened" I pulled my hand away from his grasped, as he looked away from me and pursed his lips together, in a tight line "Annie do not do this in front of my parents, please"

"Luke what's going on?" his 'fathers' voice was demanding and it frightened me, I stopped giving him my best evil face and looked up behind him.

"It's nothing father, I think she just needs time  to deal and comprehend all the information"

"Do not lie to me, I am your father as well as the King, tell me what is going on, why is she acting this way" he was closer, but looking at me I just wanted to sink into the bed and disappeared under his gaze.

"Jace dear, she does not want to be here" Krista was now next to him, looking concerned

"Luke I told you to find your mate, not pick some girl who you're attracted to" he looked disappointed, as Luke just averted his gaze down in shame

"She is my mate, I feel the pull, I've known for 10 years" I was shocked, he knew me for 10 years, was he some type of stocker too.

"Why does she not feel the pull then?" Jace waited for a response, but all Luke did was shrugged his shoulder

"Honey, I believe that has something to do with the human fiancé, she is in love with him and not Luke" she understood maybe she was my way out of this hell

"Fix this now Luke, the ball is in a week and I will not have you two embarrassing yourself or us"

"Yes father" he finally looked up when he answered him

"Honey let's go and leave them to work things out, plus we have a couple of free hours that I think we should" she paused and looked at both of us then went back to looking at Jace "go play" she laughs "in our room" he smiled and picked her up bridal style as they giggled in walked out of the room.

Luke sat on the edge of my bed in silent's and kept his gaze down at the floor as there was nothing said for a long time. He eventually moved and pulled out his phone and started tapping on it and that all I heard a long time. He finally stood up after some time and started walking away toward the door. He stopped and turned around and looked at me confused.

"Are you not coming?"

"Well that depends, am I going home?" I smirked and his face just looked emotionless

"No, it is dinnertime, and you have not eaten and I couple of days I assume you most be hungry"

"I'm not going anywhere with you especially for dinner with a vampire that wants to eat me" I laughed "I'm only leaving this room to go home." Luke turned and started walking away

"Fine starve, see if I care"

As if right on demand my stomach growled at me, hating the decision I made. I loved food, but I was not going to give in to them and they might send me home for health reason. I laid on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, watching as the light from the sun changed. My mind started to play tricks on me and I was imagining, well I hope I was imaging the smells of delicious food. I really regreted not going with Luke for food, I was so hungry. A knock came a few minutes later, cutting of my daydream about biting into a giant hamburger thats ridiculous by any standards. I sat there for a few seconds unsure about what to do, everyone else just walked in without asking really.

"Who is it?" after the person knocked again

"Mary Bell, I'm your personal servant Lady Annie" I walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it's locked

"The doors locked, I can't open it"

"I know my Lady, I was simply asking for permission to come in"

"Oh, well sure come in" the door opened and a girl who looked a few years older than me walking in carrying a tray covered with a silver lid

"I brought your food, the prince had requested me to bring you food" she was nice and was just doing her job so I would not be rude to her, but I have to stand my ground

"I am sorry, but I'm not eating anything from that douche bag Luke" I turned to walk away "for all I know he drugged it." She looked horrified

"I can assure you my lady he did know such thing, I prepared this and it never left my site" she sets it down and gave me a look of eat it or else "beside he only wanted you to have a peanut butter sandwich and water, I prepared a wonderful meal instead" she watched me

"Okay ill eat it, but only because you defied him" she smiled

"I heard you were really difficult, but I don't believe you are. I think you are just upset" I laughed

"You have no idea, I just want to go home" she frowned

"But you can't, now eat before you pass out from lack of food" she walked away and closed to the door leaving me alone again with no way out. Well at least I had food that will help me think of a better plan for tomorrow since all mine failed.


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