Tell me Why

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Lying in this room for what seemed like days, but it was probably only a couple of hours, I watched as the sun slowly set. I had cried so much I could not cry anymore. So, this is what it is to be so devastated I could no longer form tears. I was still not even sure if I should really trust even what Joel's father had said. For all I know he had been paid off by Luke just like my parents were. Mary Bell had brought food for me but I couldn't make myself to eat any. After a while I heard my door open, and light flooded into my room that was pretty dark from the dusk settling in. The lights hurt my eyes, so I pulled the blanket, the way I thought vampires are portrayed to behave when exposed to sunlight. The light to the room clicked on as I felt someone sits on the edge of the bed.

"Annie, I know you're awake, so please you remove the cover from your head,” Max said in a quiet voice. I didn't respond to him and tried to ignore him. "You know I can make you if I really wanted to." I still didn't respond as I heard him sigh, and felt the bed move again: okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."

I heard something be put down on the night table by the head of the bed, then the room fell silent. I knew he was still in the room. Did he really thinking I was that dumb to fall for that? I really just wanted to scream at him, but then he would win and that was not going to happen. When I felt cold air by my feet at the end of the bed I knew what was going to happen. The blanket was ripped away from me as I instantly went into the fetal position hiding from the light.

"Annie, come on get up." He sounded amused.

"No go away." I growled at I tried to hide my head in the mountain of pillows.

"Well you get up if I told you I had a present?" I froze, he was using my curiosity against me and after a long period of silence, he almost won.

"What is it?" I yelled, so he could hear my muffled voice from under the pillows.

I heard him chuckle then felt the bed move he was right next to me as fear of what he would do to me set in. Suddenly, I felt his fingers on my stomach and uncontrollable laughter erupted from my mouth. He was tickling me and there was nothing I could do. I was extremely ticklish and Max remembered this from when we were younger and remembered he could hear me just fine.

"If you come out I'll show you, but there are stipulations that come with the your accepting this present."

"Nope, not going to happen, go away."

I heard his sigh heavily. "I have other ways of making you agree Annie, so come out and have your present, please."

"Max just go away, I'm not in the greatest of moods and you're starting to make me pretty angry. "please, Annie! Don't you realize you're making a big mistake? I didn't kill anybody. I swear it! The whole things a setup. A scam, a frame job. Ow! Annie, I could never hurt anybody. Ow My whole purpose in life is to make... people... laugh!" I froze as he spoke the lines from long ago, as if time had stood still and we were still little kids.

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon