Council Meeting

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What he said did not help calm me down because he would protect Benny, for Max and my parents'. I took a deep breath, looked around and saw the empty hallway. I turned around walked in and the doors closed shut after I walked in. The room was pretty full, except for the one table beside another where Luke and Leah were seated. I walked and noticed Macy and everyone else was sitting on my side right behind me, which made me feel slightly better. After I sat, another door on the left side opened and seven people walked in, my stomach dropped when I saw David walk in, Joel's father. I felt so ashamed and nervous that all this was going to be dragged out in front of a man I used to see as a second father. Then I thought it was in my best interest to have him on the council because he would at least look out for me, at least lets hope he would try to protect me. There was five men and two women that walked in, the men were all different ages and the women were both older women that looked cold and hard.

Everyone there stood up except for Luke and me, I felt embarrassed that I didn't stand and moved my chair back to stand. My eyes connected with Luke and he looked shocked and shook his head telling me no. I was very confused about what I should do, should I listen to Luke are was he just trying to make me look bad or was there another reason. I looked away meet another set of eyes, a concerned pair that looked worried, he also shook his head when he saw me start to stand up again.

I think I trusted David more when he signaled me not to stand. I really needed to figure out what the standing thing was all about because it happened a few times before when the queen would enter a room. Everyone sat at the same time and a man who looked around my age sat in the  and picked up the pack of papers.

“Welcome, everyone” he said then paused when he turned the page, and began to scowl at the paper like it was a rancid smelling carcass, I mentally smiled and hoped that was a good sign. But his facial expression only lasted a second then his face went neutral. My stomach did a flip and I instantly felt nauseous and felt bile rising in my throat. “Well after reading the petition filed by the crown Prince and Miss. Mohan, I have been left with a very disturbed feelings and worries about the future of our kingdom” he looked up and didn't look at anyone but the ceiling and started rubbing his temples. “I have served has head of this council for longer than I can remember, I help found the original government system also helped in the overthrowing of Miss. Mohans grandparents” I heard a growl come from the right of me and everyone was looking at Leah that was baring her teeth. “I will remind you miss. Mohan that your threats do not frighten me and if you dare do it again I will have you and this petition thrown out in the streets where you both belong!” he said in a very deep booming voice that scared me “now, as I was saying, this petition is such a disgrace and mocking everything that I had worked toward my entire life.” I saw Luke stand up very quickly in the corner of my eye

“I will remind you councilman Tenion that what you speak of it an official document that bare my signature” he said in an angered voice, I just rolled my eyes of course he would defend his precious petition.

“Oh I am fully aware that your name is on this petition, you're just lucky I don't have the power to throw you, miss. Mohan, and this petition out. Just remember Prince I put your family in power and I can take it away. Just ask your girlfriend that is clearly using you to regain the title that she lost” with that I was holding back a laugh as Luke sat down and I looked back at the man named Tenion, and froze. He looked at me skeptical as I quickly stopped smirking.

“Miss. Erickson do you find something funny” I quickly shook my head no and looked away from me “well I guess we should start with Miss. Erickson then” he looked at me again and I froze as he pointed to the ground in front of him.

“Annie you have to stand in address the court in that spot” I heard Bobby whisper behind me and I quickly went to the spot as Tenion was shoveling papers around whispering to Joel's father.

“Miss. Erickson, you have not signed this petition, we need to know what you plan to do before we go ahead. Are you aware of the option you have?” he said looking me directly in the eye

“Yes, I am fully aware of my options councilman and I have thought over each one and have a decision already made” I'm not even sure where that came from my voice was powerful and strong, when I was scared out of my mind, but Tenion only smirked at me

“Good, I won't have to explain and wait for a decision,” he sat back with a look of satisfaction on his face “what have you decided to do?” I felt every pair of eyes on me and a lump started to form In my throat.

My eye meets Davids and the look in his eyes almost made me tear up and started crying in front of everyone. His eyes said a lot, there was a pleading look behind the sadness. In that very seconded I understood what he was trying to make me understand and I dropped my gaze because I didn't want to see the truth.

“Well, what is your decision?” Tenion said with I look of concerned plastered on his face

“I... I...” I froze again when heard a door that all the council members came out of Joel looked a little shocked that everyone was staring at him. But when his eyes meet mine I saw the same thing in his eyes that made me want to run to him and hold him.

“Miss. Erickson I need an answer please” I nodded at Tenion words and took a deep breath and looked back up into his awaiting eyes

“I am not signing the petition” I said I saw something in his eyes change, thought is face stayed neutral I could tell he was pleased with my response, as I looked at David and he smiled at me and nodded, telling me I had made the right decision.

“You Bitch!” Leah started screaming and walking toward where I stood, I didn't really feel threatened by her coming at me in fact I found it almost funny and gave me another reason I wouldn't sign it “you will sign it Annie!” Leah said a few feet away from me and lunged for me but when she was a little too close for comfort Luke appeared and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her down to the ground. She most have had the wind knocked out of her pretty bad because she was gasping for air as Luke just stood over her with his back to me

“Miss. Mohan I will not have fighting in the room, you have been warned twice too many I will gladly throw you and the petition out if you speak out of line one more time” he looked angry down at Leah that was standing up looking very pissed off, but nodded and walked back to her seat and Luke followed.

“Miss. Erickson, you have decided not to sign the petition, what reason do you have to support your decision” Tenion said as he sat back looking like a satisfied man.

“Well as you all saw Lea...Miss. Mohan does not present herself in a civilized way when in proper company,” I said, but saw Tenion make eye motion that told me to also speak to the other members of the council and I started looking around to meet the eyes of the other council members “also her reasoning behind want to be with Luk...the Prince, Leah is severely warped and is trying to get the title for all the wrong reasons.” I saw Tenion nodding his head, but the rest of the council staid stone face and somewhat not interested in hearing what I had to say “my second reason is a petition” I took a deep breath “the petition is a horrible, nasty, vile, expression of what Miss. Mohan really is and I would never subject innocent people to have service anyone under her and scares me of what she might do.” one of the older women rolled her eyes at me and that just pissed me off and I was about to yell at her, when she spoke

“We already are aware of all of this Miss. Erickson, is there anything that you can present to us that is knew or are you just going to restate everything Tenion has said” she looked at me with cold eyes and I knew she was not my fan.

I was frozen in shock at this and as she looked at me with a cocky smile because she knew I didn't have anything besides, what I had said. I lowered my head in defeat because I didn't know what else to say when I heard a very low giggle come from behind me. I looked and saw Leah with the same smirk plastered on that stupid face of hers. I heard the women saying something to Tenion but I didn't want to listen I was wracking my brain for anything I could use to help me, because I had a small feeling that the reason I gave won nobody over. Then as if by chances Tenion was speaking to David as all the council members spoke in hush tones. I heard him whispering a question how Luke could even sign something cruel and harsh. The light bulb went off in my head

“I have another reason” I almost shouted as everyone stopped and looked at me

“Well what is this new reason” the women said in an annoyed voice

“Luke never read the petition!” I said in the overly excited voice and the women looked shocked, as I heard a few people whispering around the room

“Miss. Erickson, are you suggesting that the prince never read this petition he signed and agreed to” Tenion looked a little angry, I just nodded my head “prince, please come forward we have some questions you need to answer” I heard Luke walk up next to me and became nervous, I just hoped he had not been lying to me when he told me that

“Is miss. Erickson statement true? Did you sign your name to this document before reading” I took a glance out the corner of my eyes to look at Luke. I figured he would be angry but he looked shocked almost relieved

“Yes” was all he said as more murmurs broke out and I felt my stomach twist when I realized he had told me the truth.

“Why did you not read the document prince? You could have sentenced yourself to death” then Tenion smiled “well you basically did in a way” the other council members started laughing

“I told Miss Mohan that she could write it and there was to be one stipulation that Miss. Erickson had to produce me an heir because she is the only one that can” he said a little louder with anger in his tone

“You should have still read the petition prince” a man at the end of the line cleared his throat and everyone looked at him

“He may have the chances to read the petition now if he chose to” he was very old-looking and almost reminded me of looking like a wizard with his beard all he need was a big pointy hat as I tried to hold back my laughter at my thought “then Miss. Erickson claim will be tossed out” and then I instantly disliked that man, Tenion nodded his head in agreement

“Prince it is your choice you can read the petition or let Miss Erickson claim stand as it is” I rolled my eyes and now I basically lost

“I am going to read the petition now” Tenion almost looked disappointed and I felt my head begin to feel like I was being stabbed by a burning knife.

“Luke you don't really need to read it, she will lose either way, so there is no need” I heard Leah say in a flirtatious way

“Leah shut up or I will throw you across the country” Luke growled and I kind of wished he had listened to her as the room was filled with chatter from the audiences and I just wanted to leave the room not want to be here anymore

“Miss Erickson since the princes is read the petition your claim is voided” Tenion said softly and the rest of the council members nodded in agreement “is there anything else you wish to say” I shook my head in responses there was nothing I could they had won.

I felt like I was going to cry and I just stared at the ground and waited with the rest of the room in complete silence. I just wanted to disappear as the seconds turned to minutes and it became increasingly harder to breathe. I kept hearing Egon voice in my mind, mocking me. You're the one that caused all this, you throw away your bond like it was nothing, nobody is going to feel sorry for you, you did it to yourself. I wanted to run but my body was frozen as felt a tear finally spill over my eyelid and I tried wiping it away as fast as I could but I knew Tenion and David saw, because they looked they were giving me told me everything I was feeling was correct. I was going to lose and there was nothing I could do about it. I just couldn't look in at their face anymore because it hurt too much to have the realization full impact.

“I withdraw my signature!” a very loud angry voice echoed through the small room and it felt like I couldn't breathe, like someone punched me in the stomach and I was gasping for air

“Luke you can't do that, we are meant to be together” heard Leahs voice in her high-pitched whiny-ness that I just started laughing which earned me a growl, but I just didn't care enough

“Leah I told you that there was to be one stipulation and you went off and tried to pull this stunt. Also we are not meant for reach other Annie is my mate we are meant for each other” she heard growl almost as he spoke “and you just caused her to hate me even more. I feel sorry for whom every the pathetic soul that got you as their mate, I also will pray that he reject you and I will help him break your bond to be free of you” the room was silent as everyone watched Luke yell at Leah

“Well since the prince has withdrawn his signature there is no petition so I guess we're done here” I smiled as Tenion looked happy and David looked relieved as.

I turned to see Macy crying but had a big smile on her face as Max looked relieved but next to him Joel looked disappointed and didn't look up to meet my gaze and just stood and left through the door he had come in from. I was about to follow him when the big dubble doors opened up and everyone stopped and looked at the queen walking in with papers in her hands. She had a big smile on her face and everyone started bowing as she approached the gated off area. I looked at her confused as she winked at me.

“Queen Krista what do we owe this wonderful gift of your presence in our humble council meeting” Tenion said with such respect for her

“Tenion I'm here to file a petition” she smiled as she handed him the papers

“Well, look what we have here” he said with a giant smile plastered across his face “we will look over the petition in private and set a court date for the public” they both laughed like he said some type a joke

“Mother what petition are you filing?” Luke looked just as confused as I was and taking a peek around the room I guess everyone was in the same boat

“You're so impatient Luke, but if you must know I have filed my petition against miss. Mohan” she said flipping her hair over her shoulder like it was clear.

“What!” I heard Leah scream “ you can't do that!” I rolled my eyes

“Miss. Mohan I am queen I can do whatever I like, you should remember that before you raise your voice at me again and I have you put to death” Leah just stomped out of the room like a toddler and I laughed at her

“Mother what the petition against her about?” he still looked confused

“You're so thick sometimes, She knowingly lied, deceived and threatened the safety of the crown prince and his mate” she said a little slower than necessary “ I made a petition banning her for being Annie's replacement as queen or ever having the title for crimes against the royal family” she kissed his cheek and walked out of the room.

“Well this meeting is over you're all free to go” Tenion and the other council member got up and started to leave.

I basically ran over to Macy and she hugged me tightly and max started laughing, and I gave him a dirty look. He excused himself as did all the guys and left quickly but I was happy that all the girls stayed with me as we kept hugging each other. I eventually left the council room, because I said I really was tired and could use a nap, they all laughed but agreed. I went up to my room alone as they stayed and chatted with others. I felt happy as I climbed the stairs slowly I didn't have to, but I felt I could just take my time and relax.

When I reached my room I was so happy I ran in and jumped in the air doing a twist and landed on my back on the super soft bed. Have I ever mentioned how much I liked this bed it so comfortable. I was rolling around my bed acting like a complete fool and weirdo just enjoying the bed when I actually opened my eyes and saw Luke sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, as I froze at the shock. I sat there staring at him in confusion, had he been there when I came in, well I really hope not, I hope he didn't see me acting like a weirdo rolling around on the bed. I got up and fixed my dress and walked over toward him not really sure what to do. I stopped when I was about an arm's length away from him but he didn't move to look at me, he was kind of freaking me out.

“Luke?” I said quietly, he moved fast and I almost screamed bloody murder, but he covered my mouth stopping me. He had me pressed against the wall with my hands held above my head being held by one hand as the other was cupped over my mouth providing me from screaming for help.

“I need you to just listen to me for a few seconds” he didn't look me in the eye he had his eyes closed as he rested his forehead against mine “ I didn't know” he said softly as his breath fanned over my body plus the intense burning sensation that he made me feel, caused me to become weak in his grasp.” if I would have known I would have never signed the petition” he finally looked me in the eyes and everything stopped my heart my breathing the burning feeling, I can't even explain what it felt like. A second later he released me and just walked out without another word as I slid down the wall to stunned to move. Luke's eyes were haunting and I was so scared by what I saw.

Luke's eyes were blue empty holes, and it was all my fault.

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