I am going to kill you

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I heard voices in the distances far away as I tried to stay asleep for while possible, but it was becoming increasing harder. As I slowly began to open my eyes and looked at the massive windows that were open allowing a breeze to come into the room. I sat up quickly as I looked around the palace room that I was held in for a week. A sharp shooting pain throbbed in my head as the memory of what happened in my house came flooding back to me. I stood up quicker than I thought possible and noticed that I did not become dizzy from the fast movement. I hurried into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, to see the damage that bastard had done on my neck. But when I looked there was no marks, I place my hand on the area I know he had bitten me and felt a jolt of pleasure imitated out from the spot.

The sharp pain in my head came back as it made my vision become blurry as I grasped the sink to stable myself. I heard people talking as if they were standing next to me, but there was nobody in the room accepts me. I did not realize until the sink had busted under the grasp causing me to stumble at the sudden movement. There was a piece of the sink in my hand, as I stared at it in pure confusion. I wondered how I was able to break a marble sink with my bare hand. I squeezed the chunk and it crumbled into smaller pieces like dried mud. The voices came back as the pain throbbed in my head as I tried to cover my ears from the pain. That is when something in my mind clicked, my entire body started to shake as the night replayed in my mind. All I could manage to do was scream, which caused a few windows and mirror to break along with a few of the vases in the room to shatter.
"Annie are you okay?" within seconds of me screaming Luke came rushing into the room as I stood in the doorway of the bathroom. I could not even respond I was so angry that my body was shaking more than I had ever seen it do before. "Annie, calm down what is wrong" as he stepped closer to me it set me off. As instantly my bodies throw myself at him to rip him to pieces.
Out of nowhere I had two sets of hands on my wrist and shoulders as I forcefully pinned against a wall. John and Bobby held me as I struggled to get loose as Luke came closer with his hands up.

"Annie you are not in control, I need for you to try to relax and they will let you go." All I could was struggling harder as a very animatistic growl came out of me "Annie the more you struggle, the longer it will take to calm down.

"I will never calm down, I am going to kill you" as a fiery coursed through me, giving me the strength to break out of Johns hold and fling him across the room into the opposite wall. Bobby had his hand around my throat and as he picked me up and slammed me down on the ground pinning my arms above my head as I felt a second pair of hands grip my ankle.

"Annie, you need to try to relax, you are not in control of yourself and you will hurt someone or yourself" I struggled more, but began to feel tired as I felt the pain in my head slowly start to form

"Let me go, I only want to kill you, then I will calm down" I heard Bobby laugh as I glared up at him, as I tried to wiggle free.

“Annie, there will be no killing understand, I know you're upset about what happened. You also gave me, your permission to change you” he said coming closer, but still stood at a distance as I tried fiercely to get out of their grip

“I did know such thing you asked me in a hypothetical situation, and I was being sarcastic” I snarled at him as I continued to fight, I really wanted to get my hands around his neck and strangle him to death

“I was not being hypothetical, you just presumed I was. I asked a legitimate question, and you answered regardless if you were being sarcastic or not” I growl even louder as I tried to bite Bobby wrist that held down wrist.

He hissed as he realized one of my arms punched him in the stomach as he fell back, but did not realize. I was about to attack his face with my nails, when I felt if my entire body lifted into the air as I slammed back down to the ground on my stomach as both hands held behind my back. As I heard a pair of footsteps walking into the room with s sigh. I turned my head to see Max looking down at me, he looked tired and concerned at I continued the thrash around trying to get free.

“I told you she was going to respond like this” he said as he came closer and kneeled down next to me as I tried to bite his hand the sat on my shoulder as he tried to comfort me.

“Annie! Did you just try to bite me!” MAx looked at me horrified, as I heard Bobby’s chuckle again.

“That is why I'm standing over here” I saw Luke leans against the wall bored almost

“Could have warned me,” as he scooted a few feet away

“I could have but what fun would that have been” as everyone started laugh I just growled louder as it felt like Bobby and Josh's grip on me became tighter.

“Annie, can you please try to calm down” I looked Max dead in the eye as he flinched away

“Never! I want him dead” I said in cold voices the room fell silent as I glanced at Luke how was watching me that mask of stone on his face.

“Give her an injection to knock her out for a few hours” he said breaking eye contact with me and was looking at what I presume was Josh.

“Luke that only going to knock her out she be even angrier when she wakes up” Max said standing up and walking closer to him as I tried to kick my legs making it difficult so Josh did not get a chance to stick a needle in me.

“I know max, but she is refusing to calm down and being irrational” he said as he pushed off the wall and started walking to the doors “Josh give her the shot now” he said with forces as I felt the hold on my leg.
I felt adrenaline start rushing through out my body I moved to see where Josh and the needle was. I really hated needles, just the idea that something could go into a veins that so tiny and inject a liquid into you and the weird sensation when the cold liquid flows into your warm veins. I start struggling to get away from Josh who was walking over to a sofa table and picked up a small clear bottle filled with a clear liquid that he stuck the needle into the top and started to fill the syringe. I screamed and shouted as I was now struggling to get out of Bobby grasp to get away from Josh.

“Annie just relax it will help you calm down” he said sounding concerned as Josh came closer I started to cry and thrash more, but it was to no avail

“Dam-it, Josh get away from her with that” I heard Max come back into the room as he started to walk over to me fast.

“Max, Luke gave me orders, to calm her down” Josh said stopping a few feet away from him as he blocked his path to me

“Josh, I am asking you to ignore that order” I felt Bobby's grip loosen, but I was still not able to get out of his grasp as I could see Josh face looking sympathetic

“You know I do not have the ranking that you do, i can't defy the prince” he said as Max cursed and walked out of the room quickly and I heard banging a few second following, as I peered at Josh as more tears fell from my eyes as I screamed to stop

“Josh stop please, look I'm calm no need for that, just please get it away from me” I could feel the room grow silent for all I could hear was my cries to stop.

“Annie, you're not calm” I looked at him pleading with my eyes to stop “I have to do it Annie, I'm sorry” I screamed as he kneaded down next to me as I could see the shine of the needle in his right hand as he disinfected the skin with the other, I was so desperate to get away from him I did the first thing that

“Luke!” I screamed as he prepared the needle and could barely focus on what was going on as my all I could hear was a high picked ringing noise.

“Stop” i heard through the ring noise as I felt the pressure from my body that held me to the ground released, as I instantly curled up into the fetal position to protect myself from where ever that needle is at.

I was shaking violently and felt like I was going to pass out and really just wanted to go to sleep. I felt a presences besides me as a distinct burning sensation started to over power me, that helped the ringing in my ears go away and the constricting feeling in my lungs started to fade. I felt myself lift into the air and be cradled against a hard chest as a pair of arms wrapped around me. I finally opened my eyes and saw I was clinging on to Luke as if my life depended on it, but I did not care I felt really safe away from the needle that I knew was still in the room. I looked around and saw we were alone as I relaxed more into the comfort feeling that I did enjoy, but I was still mad about everything that had happened.

“I'm sorry I did not know, about the needles, I would have never asked him to do that if I knew” he said in a whisper into my hair, as he rubbed my back trying to soothe me like a baby

“I still hate you” he sighed

“I know, but for now just relax and try to take a nap” he said as he sat down on the bed and brushed away the hair that was wet and stuck to my face “Mary will bring some food soon and it will help you gain control over your emotions” I nodded as I felt like I was slowly drifting off to sleep as I lay in Luke's arm clutching him.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but it felt well like I had not slept in days and I finally was able to get a good night's rest. I smiled to myself as I felt so warm and comfortable in this bed and never wanted to leave. I remember what all to places the last time I was awake, and was still very angry about what had happened. I did slightly over react, but what did they expect I was going to do. He had tricked me and made me doubt my sanity over the last four weeks. However a strange thought that did enter my mind that caused me to chuckle silently, was that Missy lost and I won. I know it is mean and Luke using her was wrong, but she was a brat and needs to have her ego knocked down a few pegs. I stretched and found that I was unable to move as I was being held by something around my waist. I opened my eyes to see an arm draped around my stomach as I growled at the fact that Luke was sleeping in my bed with me. As if on qui his arm pulled away and I felt the bed more as I looked to see him sitting on the edge of the bed with his back facing me.


“I know you're angry, but if you could just try to talk normally we won't have another incident like yesterday” I jumped off the bed and walked into the bathroom ignoring him as I took a long shower and got dressed in clean clothing that I had not been wearing for what felt like days. As I came out Luke was sitting on the coach with food all over the table in front of him and was eating. My stomach growled and I was unable to pry my eyes away from the food “come sit down and eat Annie, we have a lot to talk about” as I walked over and grabbed some food and started inhaling the food like it was nobody's business. I only stopped when I heard chuckling as I looked up at the smirking as I glared at him and clutched my plate of food like he was going to steal it.

“Annie, I know you are not very happy that I changed you...”

“Happy! In what universe would you think I would be happy?” he looked down

“Annie, it does not really work that way, I asked your permission and you granted me the right” I rolled my eyes “I understand you feel that you feel tricked and I'm sorry for that, but there is nothing we can do about it now" he said

“How did you do it?” I asked wanting answers

“Do what? What specifically are you wanting to know?” as I set the food down and got up in fear I would attack him, plus they know my weakness now and I would not put it past them to use it against me

“How did you get the entire town, my parents, hell even Macy to go along with your ridiculous plan to make me feel like I was a crazy person? What did you do with Joel and his family? I went by their house and they were gone, what did you do to them?”

“Well first everyone has a price in away, it just figuring out what they want or need and giving it to them for corporation” he sighed as I shook my head “as for Joel” he said it in a weird way as if he was fighting something inside him “he and his family are fine, we just relocated them to a new town that is closer to us” he said not meeting my gaze

“Did you make everyone lie to me, even my best friend about Joel and I breaking up?” he finally meeting my gaze with an apologetic look

“Yes, we thought that maybe if you believed Joel did not love you, then you might be able to move on” I watched him as he spoke like a kid owning up to being guilty

“We, so there was others in on the plan, besides my parents and Macy” he nodded his head “who?”

“Annie, it's not important, I will take all the blame for what happened, I forced everyone to take part, so just hate me and not the others” he said softly and I felt somewhat bad for him as he stood up “I have a few meetings to attend, Mary will be up soon and I'm sure my mother will stop by eventually, try being nice to her. My mother is a sensitive person and just so you know she was really against this idea and believed it was wrong"

“It was wrong” snapped at him as he nodded and left the room.

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora