A Dress Fitting

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            That was probably the worst day of my life, why you ask because there was officially no way I was ever able to leave this place now. I hated everyone coming to see me, and being sympathetic, I am sorry, but the last thing an upset person wants is for other people feeling sorry for you. I think every person had said sorry to me at lest 20 times in the first week I was a new vampire. Well except Mary, she flat-out told me to stop being a little drama queen and she would not be apologies because it was her job. I think that was the only time a smiled, as I hated what they had done to me. All but stop talking and on spoke when I had to and even then only said the very minimal answer.


Luke finally started to get the point that I was not going to talk to him and was finally leaving me alone. He would come into my room in the morning, ask if I was okay or if I needed anything. When I did respond he would just leave, during meals were worse because we're forced to eat together. We would not speak to one another; I only glanced at him a few times, but was not looking at me and mainly focused on his plate. It kind of bothered me in an away, but I figured it was because he had done wrong and now was avoiding what he had done to me. I laid on the couch pretending to read a magazine, but was really just looking at the picture that showed people I don't care about when Max walked in. I still was not really talking to him, but he did not visit after the first few days I came back.


"Annie, there is something I need to talk to you about" I looked at him, not responding as he sat on the opiate coach. "You have a dress fitting today with victor..." I cut him off with a growl

"Why, what stupid event do I have to go to now" he rolled his eyes

"Well it's not a stupid event, it's my wedding unless you do not want to come" I had forgotten that he had a mate

"Oh, I did not know." I said quietly feeling a little ashamed that I called his big day stupid

"It is fine, but you need to go see Victor for the final approval on your dress" I still rolled my eyes

"I have the plenty of dresses in the closet why cannot I wear one of those?" I said as he shakes his head

"Well you have to match the color scheme because you are a bride mate" that got my attention

"What? Why am I a bride's mate? I do not even know your mate, I don't understand why I'm in the wedding party." I said overly stressed "does she not have her own friend to fill that spot?" he rubbed the back of his neck

"Annie, Luke is my best man and one of the groomsmen, and since he is your mate you are to fill the same role in the opiate party" he said in a nervous way as he did not make eye contact with me.

"I cannot, I made a promise to Macy, that we would share would only be each others maid of honor. Plus I sure her real friends would be much happier to take that roll"

"I know Annie, but this is not up for argument you're doing it whether you like it or not" he said in an authoritative tone "be ready to go down to Victor's in an hour" he said as he started walking to the door

"That's so unfair, I do not even know this chick. Do I ever get to meet her before stand next to her to support her on her special day? I think you're being very inconsiderate Max's and taking away her choice to choose her maid of honor"

"Annie, this is not up for discussion and for your information you were her choice" with that he walked out

I sat fuming for a few minutes as once he left the room after telling me the news. I just didn't understand how they could do this to me, after everything they have taken away from me they keep taking more. I just do not understand why they could not just leave me alone. I guess the time passed by faster than I realized since I was sulking grumbling to myself about how much a hate it here. Luke walked in wearing a tee-shirt with jeans, very unusual for him because he always wore such professional attire, but these clothing made him look more normal and kind of hot in a way. As I started mentally slapping myself, for thinking he was hot and hate how the stupid vampire are always so hot.


"Come on we're late, we need to go see Victor for our appointment" I gowned at the thought of having to spend the day with him

"Let go and get this over quickly" he chuckled as I walked out of the room behind him

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be" he said softly I guess he was talking to himself, but felt like taking some angry out on him

"What was so easy" he looked back at me was we walked down the stairs

"Getting you to come, I figured based on what Max said you would be difficult" he said and continued walking

"What's the point in fighting, everyone decides for me without asking or telling me" I said snarky to him

"That's not how it is, you only get told last to make it less difficult on everyone else"

"Have you ever thought of maybe tell me first and that I might be more willing if I had options"

"This is not negotiable you are her bridesmaid" I sighed

"That's not what I was talking about, I am saying for future events"

"Fine there is a ball coming up in about a week" I groaned

"What is it for? And why do I have to go?" I said

"It is your second ball, where you're presented to the people as a vampire and the future princess"

"I do not want to go to that" I said as we came to Victors doors

"I am only informing you early as you suggested it not an option unfortunately" he said just before entering the room

Victor was running around the room when we interred and it looked like a mad house with dresses and fabric everywhere. He spotted us and stopped, for a few seconds then ran off into another room. I heard him talking to himself about, and heard a few things crash. I thought this man was a little on the crazy side, but he kind of mad that made me smile when he was around. He came back in with a male mannequin with a very nice looking suit meant for Luke.

"You sit down," he pointed at me "you go change" while he was undressing the dummy, as I sat in the creamy colored armchair, where I noticed there was about 15 different mannequins with very nice dress and sits on them. However, there was one covered up with a silky looking sheet. I figured it was probably the bride's dress, but me being the series creator I am itching to take a peek. Can you balm me, I am going to have to stand next to this and me just hoped it was not tacking beyond words. Even though I was pretty pissed with my brother, he did deserve to have his bride looking like hillbilly trash. After a few min, of debating with myself whether to look or not, Luke and Victor came back into the room.


"Luke out, I need to work with Annie alone" as he walked up to me grabbing my hand and dragging me back into the room they had just came from "I will be about 20 min. Just wait outside" he nodded as I saw him walk out the door, and shoved into the small room with a curtain "get nude the raise your arms"


I did as I told, after raising my arms a dress was slid on to me. Then, I was dragged back into the main area and stopped next to the dress that being covered. As I finally got a chance to look in the mirror and saw the dress that I was in. My heart fell, it was beautiful, elegant, and fit me perfect, but it was a painful reminder in many ways of Macy. Then, Victor uncovered the brides dress and I tried to hold back tears that were threatening to spill from my eyes.

"My dear what is wrong?" Victor asked as he knows noticed my expression

"I cannot wear this dress" I said quietly

"What? Why? I do not understand, what is wrong with the dress" I shook my head

"This dress is an exact replica of the dress I chose with Macy, when we planned what our dream wedding would be like" he looked at me confuse

"I do not understand what the problem is?" looking very confused

"I cannot wear this dress" I said a little louder, as my emotion started to take control "I made a promise to Macy, I do not even wanna be this chick bridesmaid, and I do not even know her"

"Annie calm down, she designed this dressed specially for you." He said trying to soothe me "she was very admit it was specifically this cut, color, and design" I shook my head

"How did she know I loved this dress, I never told anybody besides Macy about this dress" I said, as I took another glance at the brides dress that was a Macy exact design of her wedding dress "this is Macy's design, that dress is exactly what she wants her dress to look like" I said, not realizing I had spoken those words

"Well of course" he looked at me like I was a crazy person, as everything started to fall into place.

"Annie, you need to calm down, you are losing control" I was becoming very angry at the theory that was beginning to form in my mind. "Let me get the dress off before you go on a killing spree because I do not have the time to make another" as he pulled the dress off me and I throw my clothes on as fast as possible.

As I left the room I was still angry and I wanted to find Max as soon a possible to hear it from his mouth. I walked into the hall and Luke was sitting on the stairs and stood up the right after I walked out and slammed the door shut. I just stormed pass him as I made my way up to the top floor to Max's room, but kept an eye out for him if he was doing something on a different level. As I made it to the second level Luke appeared in front of me, as stopped me as I growled at him.

"Annie, calm down and tell me what is wrong with you? Tell me what happened?" I pushed him away from me

"Where is Max?" I said overly loud, as he looked at me confused

"He is probably in his room, why?" He actually looked concerned

"Tell me something? What happened in the woods on my birthday?" he shook his head and looked confused

"Annie, you know I bit you and brought you here" he said slowly as if I had lost my mind

"I know that, what I want to know is what was Max doing while we were in the woods" he looked a little shocked as he froze and I pushed past him and started making my way up the stairs

"Annie, wait" I heard him call out to me, but I did not want to listen to him and kept climbing the stairs to get my answers

Once I finally made it to the top I went straight to the door that I assumed was Max's, and started to bang on it. The bangs almost felt like it echoed through the hall and everything became quiet. I saw Luke standing slightly off to the side with his hands shoved in his pocket looking at the ground like a kid in trouble. As the door opened a small amount and Max slipped out and closed it right after.

"Annie, what in the world is your..." I cut him off

"What did you do to Macy in the words Max?" him flinch and looked towered Luke then back at me

"Annie, you need to calm down, I do not know what you are going on about" he said as he tried to place a hand on my shoulder

"Stop it!" I screamed "just tell me what happened to Macy now!"


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