It's not your decision to make

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“Annie, we called you here because Luke..” The Queen paused and I could tell she was not happy, but Joel stepped forward and interrupted her.

“May I please explain to her, I think it would be better?” The Queen nodded her head as my eyes darted around the room for some type of clue of what was going on.

I felt really uneasy about this whole thing and everyone avoiding eye contact was not helping as a strong felling telling me to run was growing. Joel turned around and walked over slowly toward were I was rooted to the floor. He didn't look at me; he was looking at the ground rubbing the back of his neck as he stopped in front of me and finally looked up at me. His eyes told me that he was feeling really guilty and sad about whatever was going on.

“Joel, what’s going on?” I asked softly, trying to get some type of reassuring with the way I was feeling.

“Annie, do you remember earlier today when we were in the hall?”

“Yeah, what about it?” I glanced around everyone was either looking at the floor or the ceiling.

“I lied to you, and I’m sorry for that.” Joel dropped eye contact with me.

“You lied to me about what?” I took a step away from him, I really hate being lied to and he knew that.

“Annie, I’m sorry, the Prince ordered me not to say anything to you. I had no choice,” he said pleading with me to understand, but he was still avoiding my question.

“What did you lie about Joel?” He took a deep breath.

“Why I was in the stairway with Leah,” I had to glare at the bitch across the room but she was looking at her feet sheepishly which was very unlike her, “I was there talking to her because I figured out on the council meeting that, Leah and I are-”

“No!” I shook my head taking a step back “Anybody but her!” I screamed at him.

“Annie, I’m sorry, I didn't know until today.”

“No, I don't really care when it happen, why does it have to be her? You deserve someone so much better than that bitch!” I yelled at him, it was my worse fear, I always knew he might have a mate but I just didn't want it to be that leach.

“Who do you think is better than me, you? You are the bitch Annie; you can’t even accept your own mate.” Leah yelled back at me, and something about her words stabbed lightly in the pit of my stomach.

“Joel, please tell me that this is a sick joke. Is Luke forcing you to do this?” The room became very still and quiet.

“Annie, Luke banned us from being together, he ordered Leah and I to stay away from each other and that we were never to tell you.” I just shook my head. Joel couldn't be mates with Leah, she was a horrible person and Joel is wonderful in every way, he deserves someone equally as wonderful, not the leach from hell. Today had been stressful enough and now this to add on to it. Everything that has already happened, I just wanted to cry for a while and to have a normal life. I felt Joel’s hand brush my check as I realized that tears were streaming down my face.

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