The Store

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I meet and talked with the therapist once a day, to help me come to terms with events that had taken place. There is no way believed them; I know what happened and I was not making it up. I didn't know what was really going on, but I am positive that this is some big joke. It had been three week's scenes I woke up in this hospital, and it was driving me crazy to sit and pretend that I agreed with these lie's. I had gotten a call from Macy almost on a daily, which was one plus and we would talk for hours as she told me about school and stuff. I missed my best friend beyond words and it was wonderful to know she was okay because for a time I was sure Max had killed her, but I guess I was wrong. She was the only person I believed because she would not lie to me, but there was always the voice in my head that told me not to listen to them that they're lying. My mother came in with a big smile on her face as I was packing my bags, getting ready to leave this place and head home.

"Oh Annie, I'm glad your presentable!" I looked at her confused and suspiciously

"Why, wouldn't I be I get to go home today" she laugh

"Now you have a young handsome visitor that I ran into at the market while I was on my way here" My heart started racing as she always, called Joel handsome as I glanced in the mirror behind to make sure I looked decent.

"Where is he?" as I looked at her overly smiling face

"He will be up in a few seconds, he followed me here after I told him you had woken up and a few weeks ago" she said as she was arranging stuff into my bag

"Why didn't anybody tell him sooner?" she looked at me confused

"We didn't think you would want to see him, I mean you don't even know him Annie" I stopped as my heart sank down.

"What? Mom who are you talking about?"

As if right on cue, I heard footsteps walk into the room as I saw my mother's face light up the way Ben does when Macy came over. I turned to see the mysterious person that has my mother acting like a school girl with a crush. I froze as he stood there in the doorway with a smile plastered on his face, as he took a step into the room. My mother took a step toward him, but I took a step away from the area that he and my mother was standing.

"Annie, I would like for you to meet Lucas, he the boy who involved in your accident that ended up saving you" I scoffed

"Hey, it's soon nice..." I cut him off as I was on the verge of going into blind rage

"Are you kidding me? Do you honestly think that I am that stupid Luke?" I screamed at him as my mother looked horrified and Luke stood that with a stupid look plastered on his face the mimicked my mother's

"Annie, what is wrong with you, this boy saved your life, do not be rude to him, I raised you better than this" she said as she came toward me as she hissed the words at me

"No, he did not save me, he is the one who put me in here!" I screamed at her "he is a freaking vampire that tried to drink me dry and now he is trying to convince me that I'm crazy for some reason" I took a breath as he backed away and my mother looked beyond mad

"Annie, I thought we had moved past this that was not real, your mind could not handle the truth so it made different version of events to help deal with it all." I shook my head at her angrily

"No, I know what happened, and I don't know why you are all lying to me for that thing that took Max away from us" I yelled as tears fell down my face

"Annie, stop acting this way, we are not lying to you" she said in a calm tone "we understand that you believe what happened was real, but you need to understand that it was not"

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now