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It felt wonderful sleeping in a bed that was soft and warm, it was unbelievably better than last night when I had slept on the shower floor. Throughout the night I awoke from what felt like I was being choked and my throat burned. I could smell something in the room that caused my body to ache. My vision was like a blurred tunnel, everything was fuzzy except for the glass that sat on the bedside table. I knew that was what I smelled, but my body was in such pain I couldn't move to grasp what I needed. All the warmth and comfort of my bed disappeared as pins and needles felt like they were stabbing every part of my body. The weight on the bed shifted as the glass I was trying to telekinetically move closer to me disappeared

The upper part of my body lifted and I gasped at the pain it caused, it felt like every bone was ice and shattered. Glass pressed to my lips as the most irresistible smell was right under my nose. The warmth of the blood pulled into my mouth, and I greedily swallowed while opening my mouth for more. The pain in my throat started to subside as my vision focused more. I could hear another person breathing close beside me. I was able to drink normally though I found it hard to hold the glass. It felt as if it weighed as much as a freight train. I also was aware that I was cradled, which upset me but all my focus was on holding the glass.

The glass taken out of my hands when I finished and I growled, looking up to see Luke holding me and setting it back on the table. Why was he still in my room and why was he treating me like a child? He laid me back down and wrapped his arms around me in which I fell back to sleep almost immediately after.

This happened many times throughout the night, however every time I awoke I felt better. My vision increasingly became clear, I was able to move around and get my glass that seemed refilled every time I awoke. Yes, Luke seemed to have never left my side always trying to help me in some way that seemed overbearing. He didn't say much except one time when I choked from drinking too fast, and it was just a question if I was okay.

After about the fifth time I woke up the glass of blood no longer sat on the nightstand. The sun was finally up as the clock read 7:49 a.m. and in return the clock got an eye roll. However, even though I didn’t get any sleep last night through the countless times that I woke up my energy felt rejuvenated. Luke’s arms were still tightly wrapped around me and I silently removed them. Moving to get off the bed I noticed that my body was oddly sore-probably from the shower floor-and my vision blurred from the light headedness causing me to lose my balance. Two arms wrapped around me and I turned to see Luke staring at me with a questioning look on his face. I stood back up but my balance failed me and Luke caught me again.

“Annie, you are still really weak, I don't think standing and walking around is the best idea,” he said quietly as I tried to take a step away from him and almost collapsed again. I growled in frustration.

“I have to use the restroom.” I said sounding pissed and tired, he sat me on the edge of the bed.

“Mary Bell, come here, quickly.” He said in a loud voice that caused my head to pulse in pain.

Mary came rushing in a minute later looking scared as her eyes landed on me she rushed over and stood beside Luke. He said something into her ear and she nodded as he walked away and Mary started to help me stand to walk over to the bathroom. I felt useless and hated needing help just to get to the bathroom to do normal things. I splashed water on my face and it felt wonderful. I stole a glance in the mirror and became horrified of how sick I looked, paler than normal as there was the dark circles under my eyes. My lips looked dried and cracked as I ran my tongue over them to make them look less disturbing. I finally built up enough strength and left the bathroom as Mary waited outside the door looking worried. I let her support a lot of my weight because to be honest I was just too tired to make it back to my bed without help.

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora