2. Siya Ramakrishna

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Hansika Mothvani as Siya Ramakrishna. I have attached the song Siya danced in the above video.

This chapter is dedicated to all the dads who love their daughter unconditionally.


Chapter 2 :

Even the busy city of chennai has got some areas where people could hear the crippling of birds. This particular place has got the array of similar looking villas painted in royal black and white with a slight Irish exteriors.

It was around 7:00 in the morning, many senior citizens were taking up their exercises and yoga, the air was filled with peace .

The silence in the air was broken with a ear-piercing folk music , which could even vibrate the conner of the heart.

Jinta.. Hai.. jinta ...hai...

Maariiiii..... Romba nalla maari ..

Konjam vera maari.. Maaarrriiii...

All their attention went straight to one Villa. They all knew who it was.


The girl was still in bed and dancing along with her quilt to an wonderful Tamil folk. Her every day starts with happiness. Her father came inside her room with the coffee mug, Siya got up from bed and dragged him to dance with her.

" Chittu, it's getting late. You have office today don't you remember? " He switched off the music player panting, it was too much for an fifty year old man to dance folk.

"Oh.. Come on daddy... Just few more steps!" Siya told pulling his cheek. Both father and daughter danced for another few minutes for some lovely Tamil folk numbers.

"Okok... Chittu... go and get ready it's getting late. " He told Siya giving her the towel.

" Did your employees came? " she asked about her dad's work.

" I was up before two hours and bashed those useless idiots. " told her dad.

"Why pa ? " Siya asked wide eyed.

"They were not on time to receive the shop keys. Result, the food will not be ready on time leading to customers complaints." he told feeling annoyed and worried.

" They are also humans dad, just because they work for us, it doesn't mean we have to treat them like slaves . " she said and went to her wardrobe.

"That's alright but we should be shrued enough to handle this world princess. You are still a child and you have to learn a lot. " he told ruffling Siya's hair.

"Whatever pa, I'll get ready and come down. Make my favourite pasta. " she ordered him a way more dramatically and he left Siya's room.

Ramakrishna , Siya's dad was one of the most cutest dad in the world. He owns a restaurant in the city and very sincere about his work.

Siya's mother died when she was born, she left her cute little angle in the delicate hands of her father, from then Ramakrishna took care of his only daughter very well as a single parent, He loves her so much.

Siya's pov :

I went straight to my wardrobe and opened it to see my darling. Arjun... Arjun Kapoor. I pasted his photo on the inner side of my wardrobe so that I could see him daily.

Oh My.... I love him. He was such a handsome hunk. I love his movies and terribly waiting for his film Half girlfriend.

I took my dress and went to washroom, after taking a long relaxing shower I came out, and wore my white salwar. Within thirty minutes I was ready for my office.

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