56. Why can't you forgive him?

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Chapter 56

(Not edited)

Siya's POV:

            I felt that I was the most luckiest girl in the world to have such a husband like Arjun. He made me feel so special and I loved our date last night. And that movie, it was our movie it was so beautiful that we could play that to our children and cherish our love story.

          I was resting my head on his chest and grinning like an idiot thinking about last night. "Aren't you tired love?" Asked Arjun tucking the loose strands hair behind my ear.

          "Aren't you sleeping husband?" I asked him raising my eyebrow. He flipped our position and came face to face with me, he being on top. "I couldn't sleep, when my beautiful wife grinning and drawing patters on my shoulder." He told me.

            "Sorry, Arjun. I....I was unaware." I told him. "It's OK baby,   since both of us are not sleeping ....we can start..." He trailed his finger over my cheeks leading down making me close my eyes. My daughter's face flashed in front of me. Suddenly I started missing her. We never left her alone even with my dad for so long. It was around five in the morning, we left her last evening. The urge to see my daughter increased thousand folds suddenly.

   End of the day, I was a mother.

      Arjun stopped and rested his forehead on me suddenly " I can't hide it from you anymore love. I'm sorry." Arjun told me.

  Now what?

     My heart started beating fast due to anxiety because my husband was a pool of secrets. "What are you talking about Arjun?" I asked him cupping his face.

        "Siya... I know you'll not leave me, I know how much you love me and that's the reason I'm telling you this. Siya you know only a part of the story of my life there was lot more left." With that he laid on his back and pulled me to his chest.

       "What else is left Arjun, if I had to leave you, I would have left you already I had many reasons. But still I'm holding on to you because I know you are good at heart, you are the best dad in the world, our daughter loves you to the back of the moon and the main reason is I love you. So go ahead." I told him simultaneously I felt bad about Ariya in the corner of my heart, I felt my daughter crying for me.

        Kissing my forehead he started "Siya, after running from my step mom I starved for days and stared doing many small works like sweeping house, washing vehicles and supplying tea etc.

                 With the help of Mani uncle I worked part-time and studied, he helped me join my college and pursue my education further. No one was ready to give me job since I was a fresher, I don't know, if everyone wanted a experienced candidate where will the others go and how can we get experience? There after I met a very powerful man in the country he was a mafia. His name was Chandran Khaleja." Told Arjun and studied my face, I was curious.

   Come on husband you have given me many heart attacks before. I'm waiting now what?

     He sighed and continued " Then I worked under him Siya, life made me meet Ajay again. Many fights and troubles continued Chandran sir handed over his business to me and I made seven times profit in one month. Years passed and in a fight Ajay killed Chandran sir.

               He didn't have any children or other relations Siya he named all his properties over me and I took his place to fulfill his wishes and changed my name to Arjun Khaleja." told him.

        "Took his place you mean?" I asked him raising my head from his chest.

         "I....I was a Mafia. " told Arjun shaking the ground underneath me.

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