33. Regaining Love

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I know, I said, I'll update at 9:30 pm but I'm done typing so why make you guys wait?
So updated... Enjoy😘😘

This chapter is dedicated to all the sweet sisters in the world.


Chapter 33

Siya's POV:

          My eyes are burning. God! I looked at the clock and found it was 3:00 am. Momma, I can't sleep. I can't even look at my feet now, since I'm in the last month of my pregnancy.

                    "Ah!" I let out a little scream when I felt my baby kicking me. It never gets tired specially during nights, I'm totally deprived of sleep. My baby will not let me sleep whole night playing football in my tummy and its daddy will not let me sleep whole day asking me to eat, walk, perform yoga, then eat again.

                  Actually he'll let me sleep but by that time, I can't sleep. My sleep cycle has changed a lot. Arjun....he never forget  pampering me, making food for me, taking me for a walk, tailing me all over the day.

                    I asked him to stop cooking for me but he never did, he told, that he didn't trust anyone with me. He used to massage my foot at nights trust me it drives me to heaven.

                  He treats me like a piece of porcelain, I didn't accept him as my husband yet but I do respect his efforts. I stopped taunting him unnecessarily, I'm living with him as a roommate but accepting our marriage and falling for him again is far away from me.

          People may think I'm heartless to ignore his love,but the fact is I'm not ignoring him, I respect his claimed love but can't reciprocate. Because, it was I who got raped not anyone else, it was I who went through all mental and physical trauma not this society.

            A drop of tear fell down my eyes, my legs are sore , my skin became dry and adding to this my baby's kicks. I can't take all this at a time. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Realizing my condition, I felt like pulling my hair and started crying.

      My baby's kicks became vigorous by passing time ,I started to worry. Is my baby alright? Is there a problem inside my baby bump? My baby!

             A pair of strong hands sneeked around my waist and pulled me to a hard rock chest. "Siya....its OK. You are fine love..relax. Stop crying. " my hands went around Arjun's torso without my consent and he started carassing my belly.

        "Baby....let your momma sleep. Please... See, she's crying because of you." Told Arjun and started to carass my bump in a rolling motion along with that my baby stopped kicking me slowly.

        You little devil, I have been pleading you for hours...you showed your cold shoulders at me, now prefer to keep calm listening your dad. How partial you are baby?

       "I know what you are thinking Siya but don't. Baby loves you that's why playing a lot with you." Told Arjun and earned a cold glare from me.

          I got irritated, the feeling I held was unexplainable... I want to sleep but couldn't. Arrggg.... I wanna shout out of frustration.

           " Siya... Come on get up." He told me.

        "Stop irritating and leave me Arjun ." I yelled annoyed.

        "Listen to me love , you'll feel better." With that he helped me to the bathroom and made me stand under the shower after tying my hair up in a bun.

              Making sure the water didn't reach my hair he stood along with me under the shower.
The hot water running down my body healed my sore muscles making me sigh in relief.

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