59. Life

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This chapter is dedicated to each and every soul who supported and boosted my confidence to write this book.


( Warning:   Violence Ahead, read at your own risk.)

Chapter 59

   Siya's pov:

            "Maa...maa...Ari..." I could feel my daughter tapping my cheeks with her delicate palms, I was trying hard to open my eyes but couldn't. Suddenly I felt a gush of water poured on my face and sat up abruptly struggling to breath.

          "Get up bitch, I don't have all day." Told that heartless animal and I pulled my daughter to me next second. She looked terrified. Ajay got hold of my hair and dragged me to a nearby table making me yelp in pain.

         "Look at this device carefully, I specially made it for you." I looked at that confused it looked like a gun. God! I guessed he was going to kill me, Arjun please come and Save Ari. I need to prolong my life till my husband reach here.

          "No... no don't think too much love, it's not a gun but its a special weapon." Told Ajay, making my stomach crunch in fear, He took that weapon in his hand and pressed it over my stomach.

           When he pulled the trigger I felt waves of electric current passing through my stomach making me scream in pain. I fell on the ground holding my stomach in one hand and my baby on the other no matter what, I would never let him touch my daughter. Then again I felt the same strands of electric waves passing through my upper back, I couldn't even scream of pain. Not in this whole year I have seen my daughter cry so much, that bastard have to pay for this. I tried to pull a smile on my face to console my baby after few minutes of torture I was left with the girls Ajay kidnapped for trafficking along with my baby. Those girls started crying looking at my condition.

     "He is a beast Akka, we feel very sorry for you. We can't even help ourselves how can we help you?" Cried one girl, she must be around 16 years and I was happy about her feeling sorry for me while in reality her condition was worse.

    I tried to get up but failed. My body was totally numb and the pain in my stomach is killing me. Those girls helped me lean on a wall, I made Ari sit on my lap and wiped her tears. "Baby, mo..mmy don't want you to cry. You are such a bold girl isn't it. Girls are not supp..osed to cry, we aren't meant only to cry." I stammered due to pain and told the last sentence looking at the girls, then I turned my gaze to Ari, my baby was looking at me intently "Listen Ari, daddy is coming. Your acchu will not let us rot in this hell. He's going to kill that moron and take us back to our house. Look... Now stop crying." My baby stopped crying and hugged me.

           "How many of you are here?" I asked the girls. "We are totally seventy Akka, we are from village as well as town. They are planning to sell us I'm so scared Akka. " she told me crying.

          "Now what did I say? Girls are not only made to cry. Think dear... We are tot...ally seventy one. They are less in number comparing to us. We can es..cape easily but you people should have guts." I told breathing hard to control my pain but they were too weak to listen me. I assured them that everything will be fine and we all would go home soon.

               "See who's here...come come... Welcome to my place Arjun." I heard Ajay. I struggled but the moment I saw Arjun I gathered my strength and got up along with Ari. Before I could reach Arjun, Ajay caught hold of my hair.

           "Where are you going bitch?" He asked me "Aaaa... Arjun!" I called his name. "Leave them you bastard or I'll make your death worse." Arjun screamed and was trying to reach me around seven men were holding him but still they couldn't stop Arjun from moving.

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