//Hello Badboy//

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"Never meet trouble half-way."

Hello Badboy


"Ashley! We're leaving in two hours!" my dad yells as I pack up my last few things in a box. I yell an 'okay' in response and drag the box out of my closet. Two boxes were filled with my things and a duffel bag with a last few things I hadn't packed last night.  Sitting on my bed, I look around my room, remembering all of the good memories and bad.

Two months ago, my dad abruptly announced that we were packing up and moving to Los Angeles. He said that he was expanding his business there. I had to move with him because I was currently in his custody, according to the divorce settlement. Things had been getting rough between my parents over the last few years and we had just official gotten to the worst, or at least in my opinion. My mom, a pediatrician, had left four months ago on a vaccination exhibition in South America.

Picking up the picture frame I had set down on my bed, I look at it. It was a picture of my friends Andrew and Tanya and I at a carnival we went to last year. Andrew, or Andy as I called him, had been my friend since we were in diapers. We grew up together and made lots of trouble together when we were younger. Andrew was one of my closest friends. Tanya had moved here a year ago and we had become good friends quickly. Her personality was opposite from mine, cheery and bubbly and of course she was a major optimist, always seeing the good in things. I had more of a lazy and 'realist' personality. 

Leaving Las Vegas meant leaving everything I had known my entire life behind. I had grown accustomed to Las Vegas and all of the many things that came with it as I had lived here all of my life. Leaving Las Vegas was going to be hard but if I looked at the bright side, it would bring about a change in atmosphere. We all needed a change from the constant fighting that had been happening for the last few years.

Putting the picture in my duffel bag, I zip it up and get up to leave. Looking around one last time, I close the door behind me. Walking across the hallway to my parent's former bedroom, I felt nostalgic as I opening the door. The room was the same, just the way it had always been. Padding over to the dresser on the left of the bed, I open the top drawer to pull out a picture frame. It was a picture of my family, taken a few years ago at my Aunt Cherry's wedding. It was a picture of my mom, dad, my older brother and I. A small smile forms on my lips as I remember how much my older brother had complained about wearing the tuxedo that day. My phone vibrates from my pocket, informing me that I had an incoming call. It was a call from Andrew.

"Hello?" I answer sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"So today's the day huh?" he asks, with a note of sadness in his voice. A twinge of sadness makes its way into my chest as I thought about leaving Andrew behind.

"Yea" I say quietly. Andrew and I had been best friends for a long time and starting dating a couple of months ago when Andrew admitted his changed feelings for me.

"Can I come over one last time?" he asks, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Of course Andy" I say chuckling sadly as I remembered all the good times we had together.

Soon enough I was hugging Andrew tightly as my dad loaded my things into the van. Andrew and I had talked and agreed that we would try long-distance. It was going to be hard but we would see how it went.

"Call me as soon as you get to your new house okay?" he says and I nod giving him a small smile. Pecking him on the cheek, I say goodbye to him as I get into the van. Andrew walks across the street, back to his home, waving to me one last time before heading inside.  I sit in the back, away from dad and his girlfriend Amy.

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