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"Have you thought of an ending?"

"Yes, several, and all are dark and unpleasant."

"Oh, that won't do! Books ought to have good endings. How would this do: and they all settled down and lived together happily ever after?"

"It will do well, if it ever came to that."

"Ah! And where will they live? That's what I often wonder."



"Shit!" I curse as I follow Austin into my living room.

"What's wrong?" he asks sitting on the sofa.

"Graduation's tomorrow and I don't have a dress" I say groaning in annoyance.

"But you already have like fifty dresses in your closet" he points out.

"True, but I need help" I say pulling out my phone.

"Hey Ash, what's up?" Amber answers cheerfully.

"Hey Amber, look uh grad's tomorrow and...uh" I say scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"And you don't have a dress? I'll be over in ten" she says.

"Thanks" I say smiling softly.

"No problem" she says and we hang up.

"What are you thinking about?" Austin asks bringing my out of my wandering thoughts as I wait for Amber.

"I'm just wondering...a lot happened" I say sighing.

"Yea" he says sitting beside me. He holds my hand, interlocking out fingers. I look at our joined hands and smile softly.  

I never thought we would be like this.

"Thanks" I say looking into his eyes. He frowns, and i mentally sigh over how cute he looked.

"For what?" he asks.

"For finding your way to me, for liking someone like me" I say and he smiles.

"I know right, you owe me for loving an annoying idiot like you" he teases.

"My GPA and grades beg to differ" I say rolling my eyes and he chuckles.

The doorbell rings and I open it expecting Amber to be there but am surprised to see Tanya there. She waves awkwardly and I let her in.

"I was wondering if we could talk?" she asks and I nod.

"I've gotta help mom with lunch, I'll be back later" Austin says kissing my forehead. I smile at him and led Tanya to my room.

"I'm sorry Ash" she says as I close the door behind me. I stay silent.

"I know what I did was wrong, but I love him" she says surprising me.

"I'll admit I thought you were a huge bitch for breaking Andrew and I up. I realize it was stupid of me to be, because I was hurting the friendship I have with Andrew. I care for him and sure I love him but not in the way that a girlfriend should. So I guess you're not a big bitch because I am" I say looking at my hands.

"I...i don't know what to say" she admits as we look at each other.

"I'm sorry, because I let my pain of losing Michael allow me to find that love in Andrew, I ruined our friendship, my friendship with Andrew. I'm a terrible friend for not seeing what you feel for him" I say sighing.

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