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"There's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin."



I wake up to the smell of something delicious. It was smelled like chocolate and sweet. Chocolate chip pancakes! I bolt out of bed towards the smell and find my mom making pancakes in the kitchen. I walk up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.

"Guess who?" I say childishly and she chuckles.

"It's my baby" mom says and I hug her from behind.

"These are so oh oh oh oh good!" I gush as I eat.

"Thank you" mom says and we head into the living room. There was an hour and a half left til school starts. I watch as mom takes out a photo album from her tote bag. I watch as mom opens it and flips through it, stopping somewhere in the middle.

"Ash look at this" she says and I sit beside her and look at the photo. Tears fill my eyes as I stare at the photo.

It was a picture of Michael and I with my mom. Mom had been trying to push Michael and I into each other to take a picture together. Michael had asked me out two days before that picture and of course it being our nature we got into a fight over a chocolate bar.

"He wanted the bigger piece" I say and mom smiles.

"You two were polar opposites, but things worked out in the end" she asks and I smile nostalgically.

"Y-yea, w-we didn't exactly like each o-other when we first met, definitely not a love at first sight type deal" I say wiping away a stray tear.

"Ash" mom says holding my hand.

"Y-yea?" I say wiping away another tear.

"Do you still love him?" she asks and I instantly knew who.

"With every fiber of my being" I say smiling through my tears.

"Ash, how long are you going to be like this?" my mom says.

"What?" I say confused.

"How long are you going to keep your emotions locked up? Honey you need to move on" mom says.

"I t-try, its n-not easy" I say and mom wraps her arms around me.

"No matter what happens Ash, always remember, death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal" she says and starts to cry.

"I'm so sorry Ash" she sobs into my shoulder.

"For what momma?" I ask feeling scared.

"Mom what happened, why are you crying, please tell me" I say with tears in my own eyes.

"Nothing honey, I'm just feeling overwhelmed. You should get going, you'll get late for school" she says and I nod pulling away after handing her a tissue. I head into the bedroom and change into my gym clothes.

"Ash," my mom says stopping me as I get ready to leave, "I love you my angel."

I smile and hug her back tightly.

"I love you too momma" I say and wave to her as I drive off on my bike.

"Ugh! My day's ruined!" I groan seeing Austin take off his shirt.

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