│Bonus Chapter: Halloween Things│*

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"Eat, drink and be scary."

Bonus Chapter: Halloween Things

Time: When Ash & Austin are in university.


"Shit!" I curse running out of bed.

"I'm late" I mutter as I get dressed after the quickest shower of my life.

"Babe what's wrong?" Austin mumbles walking into the kitchen as I gulp down hot coffee, scald the insides of my throat in the process.

"You pressed the freaking snooze button ten too many times, and now I'm late. My meeting with Marco is in twenty minutes. I'm going to get stuck in traffic because of you!" I rant while putting on my shoes.

"I'm taking you then, let me get the keys" he says putting on slippers.

"Austin!" I yell at him.

"What?" he asks.

"You can't take me to a meeting on a motorcycle, being shirtless wearing only boxers and slippers" I exclaim and he smirks.

"Watch me" he says.

Ten minutes later, we're on the motorcycle driving between cars, and I was hiding my face in Austin's leather jacket. Why, well because I'm riding on a motorcycle that's going fifty miles over the speed limit that's being driven by my boyfriend who's wearing nothing but slippers, boxers and a leather jacket.


"Have a great day" I say kissing her forehead as we stand by the front steps of the university. She glares up at me and I chuckle. I see people giving us weird looks but I ignore them.

"I'll be having a chat with you later" she confirms and turns to run up the stairs. I walk back to my motorcycle and pull out a t-shirt and jeans from the storage compartment.  I walk into the washroom of a nearby restaurant and get changed. Alright time to get started with the surprise, I tell myself as I ride towards the grocery store.

Where is it, where is it, where is it?

"Excuse me?" I call out, making a guy in a store shirt turn around. 

"Yea, did you need help?" he asks.

"Yea man, see I need to make cookies, but I don't know what flour you're supposed to use" I say.

"Oh, I wish I could help you buddy, but I'm just as clueless as you are, but I could call someone" he says and I nod. 

"Candy!" he calls and within a few seconds, a female employee makes her way over to us.

"This guy needs flour for cookies, can you help him?" he asks and she sighs.

"Alright, but you owe me" she says. I raise an eyebrow as the guy winks at the girl and she giggles.

"Ahem" I cough and the girl blushes.

"Cookies, hmm, what kind?" she asks and I shrug.

"Chocolate chip, sugar and some snooker doodle" I say naming a few.

"Okay well this all-purpose flour works for pretty everything baked, you should get some chocolate chips, and they're in aisle 7 by the way" she says.

"Thanks so much" I say and rush to the checkout.

"Are you sure?" Amber asks.

"I'm pretty sure okay? I added everything and the dough is still so powdery" I say exasperated. I added the milk, the oil, the chocolate chips, the flour and vanilla...

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