Chapter 10

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"That was fun," I say to Kate, we were currently waiting at the front of the school for Tessa.

"Yeah, nobody loves anything better than Mr. Parks lectures," she says sarcastically.

"Are you ready to do these slides," I ask, returning the sarcasm.

"Yeah, I'm totally looking forward to doing double the work since Sky and Tyler can't keep their tounges out of each others mouths."

"Still mad?"

"You're not?"

I shrug, "I never really hung out with him that much outside of school, but I am disappointed that he isn't trying to stop Sky at all."

"Yeah, I should probably try to get a hold of her, try to clear things up with her," she tells me.

"Yeah," I agree with her.

"Hey guys," Tessa says a few minutes later as she runs up to Kate and I, a tall, fit guy running behind her, "this is Ezra, Ezra, this is my brother Aiden and his friend Kate"

I see him glance at Kate, I look at Kate from the corner of my eye and see glance down, "nice to meet you," he says holding his hand out for a hand shake.

I accept it and say, "you too."

"Well, he was just helping me carry my cheer bag, but now you can carry it," Tessa says as she hurls her cheer bag at me, I catch it and fling it over my shoulder, "see you tomorrow."

"You sure you don't need a ride?"

"Yep, bye," I watch Ezra's movements carefully, not forgetting Kate's warning, Tessa turns toward me and he grabs her by the wrist.

"Love you."

I watch Tessa look at him with wide eyes, she yanks her arm back and says, "love you too."

I put Tessa between Kate and I as we walked off, "that was strange, how long have you two been together," Kate asks

"A few days now," Tessa answers.

"Tess, make sure things don't go too fast," I warn her.

She holds her wrist, "I will."


"We can probably order some pizza," I say as we walk into the house.

"Let's get done with the project before we think about food," Kate says.

"Are you sure, you've only eaten a few grapes today," I ask.

She hesitates before she answers, "I can just eat when I get home."

I look Kate straight in the eye before turning to Tessa, she was looking down at her phone, I could tell she was worried about something, "what's wrong?"

She jumps at my voice, "Ezra's acting really weird," she shows me her phone.

"Just mute the notifications for tonight," I tell her, she nods before walking off to her room. I turn back to Kate, "now you,  we are going to pop a waffle in the toaster so that you have something else in your system," I say, grabbing a waffle from the freezer.

"I'm really hungry, let's just finish the project, I have some paper in my bag," she tells me as I push down the handle thing on the toaster.

"You can eat the waffle while we work."

"Fine," she says as she hands me some decent sized paper.

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