Chapter 2: penny lane

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Chapter 2: penny lane

Aylee soon arrive at what appeared to be a warehouse of some kind, although according to the piece of paper in her hand it was a vets. Aylee adjusted her bags on her shoulders as she heading inside the building, ignoring the fact every part of her told her not to do this. As she opened the door she heard a bell as well as several voices whispering in the back room. the bell seemed to alert a middle aged black man in a white coat, she recognised him almost immediately from Stiles memories.

" hello, can I help you?" Dr Deaton asked Aylee, doubting that she was just another new client due to ths fact there was something different about her and the lack of a animal

" yeah I guess you can say that, Deaton. Dr Morrell said I could find Scott McCall here, I'm ermm..... friend of Stiles" she said unsure of what her and Stiles actually were since they were both attacked before they could have that conversation

" you should come into the back room and meet the others" he said showing her the way to examining room where the gang were gathered discussing what was written in the scroll

Aylee followed him into a room where Scott, Lydia, Allison, Kira, Ethan and Aidan were gathered around the examining table looking at several different types of papers. They stopped talking and look at Aylee with a mixture of suspicion and amazement

" who are you? Cause I've been Stiles best friend since birth pretty much and I've never even heard of you. Also why did you call Ms Morrell doctor?" Scott asked her not even hiding the fact he was able to hear the previous conversation

" I met him recently at Eichen house and Dr Morrell was our therapist there, she also sent me here since I was looking for you Scott. I need your help" she said knowing more about him than he thought she knew was defiantly an advantage

" so you were in the nut house? I guess it wasn't for 72 hours like Stiles" Ethan said bluntly and without tact

" wow you are exactly what I saw, and to answer your question yes I was in the mental health centre and have been since I was eight" she said forgetting that her abilities weren't exactly common knowledge

" you said you needed my help, what with?" Scott said wondering she wanted, he knew there was something about her, he could tell from her whole pretence and the smell of her blood was different

" the Nogitsune has took control over Stiles again, long story short he let him in in order to save me" she said ignoring their looks of shock and dismay at what she knew

" how do you what a Nogitsune is? I doubt Stiles told you cause he doesn't like to talk about it" Lydia said defensively, not want this girl to think that she and Stiles were anything other than friends, not so secretly jealous

" do you really want to waste time in order for me to tell how I know what a Nogitsune is or that I know that werewolves are real and that Scott, Aidan, Ethan, Isaac, Derek and creepy Peter are werewolves. That Alison there is a hunter and sweet little Lydia is a banshee, Kira is a Kitsune" she said getting straight to the point as her fiery side began to show

" how do you know any of that? And what did you mean before you said you saw Ethan?" Aidan asked getting ready to pounce at the drop of a hat

" she saw it Stiles's memories, she's a seer and very powerful on at that" Deaton said reentering the room after leaving to call his sister

" a seer?" She asked in disbelief, there was no way her weird thing had a name other than crazy

" we'll discuss it another time, in the meanwhile Scott you can trust her and in order to find Stiles you are going to need her" he said knowing that if she tapped into her powers she could do so much more than she could already

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