Chapter 5: cross my mind

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Chapter 5: cross my mind

After Stiles was able to calm down Aylee enough for to decide what she wanted to do about this new found information, she decided that all she wanted was to get a cab home so that she could go to sleep and forget all about this till morning. Once Stiles made sure that she got into the cab safely he went back inside knowing that he couldn't quite enjoy himself the same while he knew she was hurting. As he walked through the door, he notice Scott and Deaton huddled together discussing something that seemed serious, if Stiles was a betting man he would betted that they were discussing Peter's mystery baby. Which to him was less of a mystery now. He couldn't help but feel anger boil up in him as he saw Deaton knowing that somehow he had cause Aylee pain and set it in motion for her to be place in Eitchen House. He began to walk to them.

" and you don't remember anything about the baby? Any unusual birthmarks or anything that could us a lead into finding her?" Scott asked desperately trying to hold onto any lead

" maybe it's less about the baby and more about the mother, what was Katrina? A werewolf? A vampire? The abdominal snowman? ..... Or a seer maybe?" He asked Deaton not bother into hide his mood or tone as he dropped hints that he knew

" a seer? What like Aylee? ...... Stiles do you know something about this? Did Aylee remember something else...... Where is she actually?" Scott began to question when he noticed all sorts of strange things like Stiles's behaviour and the fact Aylee was no where to be seen

" she went home, she didn't feel in the party mood once she learned the truth. Imagine that, Deaton?" Stiles said to the older man knowing that he knew exactly who she was by the look on his face

" how did she find out? I didn't do this to hurt Stiles, I was trying to protect her" Deaton said trying to justify his actions

" what's going on?" Scott demanded in his most alpha like voice that made Stiles shiver with fear despite the fact he wasn't actually a werewolf he was technically part of his pack as his second in command

" Aylee asked me earlier in he bedroom to look into her past in great depth, this is what she was looking. That the names under her birth parents" he told him handing him Aylee's birth certificate that he had put in his pocket previously

" Katrina Georgieva...... Oh my god she's the missing hale and Peter's daughter. I'm guessing you knew?" He asked Deaton fully understand Stiles's anger now

" of course I did, I was Talia's emissary and close friend so when Aylee walked into the animal clinic that day I knew full well who she was. I've been trying to protect ever since she's came back" he said telling them partial truths, he was and would always be loyal to the former alpha

" how exactly have you done that? So far since Aylee's came here she's been hospitalised, drained of her energy, had several sever reaction to her powers include when she tapped into her biological fathers memories to discover the truth about their connected past" Stiles pointed out trying understand how that was protecting her, just then Stiles's and Scott's phone both went off

" it's Isaac, he's says that he went to find how much Derek and Peter have found out so far and thinks that they know we know something about it. Also that Peter seems more unhinged and dangerous than ever. So that's a plus side right?" Scott said wishing for once that everything could just be normal and calm for a while at least

" that's just great cause Derek just texted me, he wants me to find out who his cousin is? How do we protect her from this, from them?" Stiles panic about how this changed everything

" I don't think we can, not anymore. I mean it's too late for damage control, all we can do is help Aylee through this and do what she wants. I'll work with her on her powers ok?" He said as he began to walk away from the boys

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