Chapter 23: perishable

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Hey guys so this chapter has a lot more of my own scenes than from the episode since Malia wasn't in the episode that much, so I hope you liked and please let me know what you think. Also as always the link for aylees outfits are the bottoms of the chapter

Chapter 23: perishable

Since they had figured out that the benefactor must be a banshee as only banshee would know if someone was dead without actually needing to see them, they decided that Lydia and her dead grandma was the best way to figuring out more. This meant that Aylee could comfortable avoid Stiles as best she could as well as use her resources at the sheriffs station to find out more about her mom and where she could be. One night she was sitting looking through the box of stuff that her mom had left for her to see if she could find any clue when she got a text about deputy Parrish being set on fire and to come to Derek's loft. She grabbed her brown biker jacket that matched her brown biker boots that she wore with blue jeans, blue cardigan, a dark blue tank on top of a white tank. She didn't really have time to fix her hair so she left it in its normal wavy style but placed a blue jewelled headband into keep it out of her face. She also wore light eye make up with a touch of eyeliner and light pink lip, she still refused to wear her moms locker so she left it in its new home in her jewellery box. As she left her room to get Scott who probably received the same text, she grabbed her phone with her headphone attached to it. When they finally got to Derek's loft, they saw that Parrish was standing there along with Lydia

" He covered you in gasoline?" Derek said checking him for any signs that he had been burned or injury

" It's the hair and nails, isn't it?" Lydia said figuring out what he thinking, she knew that even if he was a werewolf they should be gone

" The parts of the body that are essentially dead" he said knowing that nothing that was already dead could heal back but there was no sign that Parrish had been attacked

" Well, they should be gone" Lydia said wondering what kind of supernatural creatures could survive being burned, it should her that they had no idea what else was out there

"I was set on fire. All of me should be gone" he said still being able to understand how they were being so calm about this or what they were saying

" when you said that Parrish had been set on fire I thought he was dead... Sorry if that sounded a little insensitive" Aylee said announcing that she and Scott were as they joined them after silently listening to their conversation

" its fine and i was on fire, I actually have no idea how I survived" Parrish said still completely baffled by the sudden turn that the night had taken

" which is why I called you, I figured you could do your thing and you know" DerekNSAIDs not wanting to let Parrish know what she was just yet, it wasn't his place

" do what? What's your thing?" Parrish said hoping that they weren't going to try and kill him or anything like that, he had a hard time being able to tell who he could trust

" I promise you this won't hurt, just give me your can trust me Jordan" she said giving him an encouraging smile while using his first name that was rarely spoken

Aylee hold on to his hand and closed her eyes hoping that she wouldn't accidentally show him her seer purple eyes, she began to focus the flash of memories that was being thrown at her by his mind to ones relating to tonight. She saw him and Haigh patrolling the streets then suddenly Parrish was hit on the head causing everything to dark then everything began to focus enough for her to see that he was tied to the wheel while someone else threw gasoline onto of him. Haigh then came into view telling Parrish about the dead pool and how muchhe was worth before putting in his headphone and tossing in the lighter that lit the car and Parrish on fire. Then in the middle of the fames stepped Parrish who was covered in fames although they were slowly being put out. It was then that Aylee noticed his eyes, they were glowing an amber colour

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