Chapter 6:danger

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Wow guys thank so much for all review, followings and favourites. I'm sorry this chapter is a little later than the other but I wanted to make sure it was just right. So keep review, following and favourite and I'll try and post new chapters quickly :)

Also if you guys have any suggestion about the character Aylee or my story just let me know by either reviewing or pm me

Chapter six: danger

It had been a week since Aylee had been tricked into going into woods where Derek and Peter were waiting to talk to her about their family connection. Ever since then she seemed a little off to the few people that were close to her. It had been hours after she had her breakdown in the middle of the woods that Scott and Isaac found her, by sniffing her out, closely followed by Stiles who she assumed drove there rather than ran. They tried everything to heat her body up since she was as cold as an ice cube, they finally convinced her to eat and drink something warm. Scott and Isaac left it to Stiles to help her change into pyjamas and get her into bed. Once she was in bed Stiles went to leave the room in order to allow her to sleep but she put her hand on his arm to stop him from leaving her and gently asked him to stay.


Once Aylee fell asleep Stiles snuck out of her room trying to be as quick as he could as not to wake her. When he went into the kitchen he could Isaac and Scott speculating about what had caused her to be in this numb state of mind and body. They paused slightly when they noticed him and the door, Scott motioned to him that there was coffee for him

" how was she going to sleep?" Scott asked thinking that maybe that was all she needed, some sleep but he knew for the past that there was always more to things than meets the eye

" she was sleepy but she didn't want leave me to her and then finally she fell asleep so I came down thinking it was safe" Stiles said hating the unknown, he always had that's why he always had to be the one to find things out first

" do you think this is side effect of her powers growing? Like her mind is subdued while her body is adjusting?" Isaac asked not knowing how seers powers and bodies really worked

" no I already texted Deaton and told him what was going on, he said that whatever was happening to her was emotion so happened to her something unsupernatural related. I also texted Peter and Derek" he told Stiles in a small voice knowing what his reaction would be to this

"Scott they are not her family, I don't care what DNA says Aylee is nothing like them. She's sweet and moral and couldn't hurt a fly. Where as Derek has slammed my head into the wheel of my care and Peter .... Well you remember how I first met him right?" Stiles venting about this, not realised that the people in question were standing behind him

" you realise that every time I threatened or hurt you because you deserved right? " Derek said despite actually having a soft spot for him, he liked his sense of loyalty to Scott

" yeah I wonder if Aylee would see like that when learns about your past indiscretion?" Stiles said surprising everyone including himself with his sudden burst of anger

" why? Are you going to run and tell on me, Stiles?" Derek said refusing to back down from the fight

" I won't have to, all it would take is one little touch and she would see everything she needs to know" Stiles said feeling the anger rise up inside of him

" stop! Both of you! Listen I didn't come here to fight, I came to make sure my daughter was ok so is she?" Peter almost pleaded with Scott, this was a very different Peter to the one they all knew and hated

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