Chapter 16:117

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Hey guys so here episode two, I'm still trying to find my way with following the shows plot while trying to add my own bits and style into it so bear with me. Updates might be a while since I'm doing two stories at the same time so I'll try to get them done fast

Remember to review or pm and let me know what you think

Chapter 16: 117

Since Scott and Braeden walked out of the abandoned church with the younger version of Derek the gang had been trying to work out a plan of what to do next. Eventually Stiles had decided that they should go to Deaton who would know how best to help him. Just as they were about to head back to Beacon Hills, Aylee ran into the church and then back after ten minutes while putting something into her bag. By the time they go to the vets it was raining heavily, they had decided to drop off Kira first. As soon as Deaton seen them he knew there was something very wrong with Derek. He wiped everything off his exam table so that they could lay Derek on top of it. When he finally got a good at his face he knew this way out of league, it wasn't just that his body look like his 15 year old self it was as if he were de-ageing

" wow..." Deaton said not being able to find any other words that summed this up

" wow as in 'I've seen this before and know exactly what to do' kind of wow cause that's the kind of wow we're hoping for" Stiles said in hurry, he knew he was rambling but he couldn't think of it would mean if Deaton didn't know how to Derek

" I think you're overestimating my abilities, Stiles" he told him not sure if they really know what it was he did for them, he was trying to think of a cure for whatever was going on with Derek but came up blank

"Guys he's cold, like really cold! Like death cold!" Aylee said as she held Derek's hand in hers, it seemed to calm him slightly like he knew who she was

" do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked wondering if he was going to stay 15 forever and if he did then he began to think what it could mean

" I don't even think that a medical diagnoses is possible right now, this is well beyond my experience" Deaton told them trying not to panic by the fact that he had no idea how to help Derek or them

" so what do we do with him?" Stiles asked trying to think of places to hide him liked his loft or the warehouse but also what to tell people, people being mostly peter

" till he wakes up not much, it's probably best to leave him with me" Deaton said knowing for sure that he was defiantly better here than somewhere else, also if he thought of something to help then he could do it at once

" you mean from Kate and whoever she's working with?" Aylee asked sensing that he meant that he could protect Derek better than them from her, she was slowly learning that Kate was the kind of girl who always got what she wanted

" if she is what you say she is then she won't be able to get passed that gate" Deaton said referring to the mountain ash that laid on the floor at the gate that stopped any unwelcome supernatural creatures

" what does she want?" Lydia asked thinking that it might just be possible to give it to her then maybe that way she would leave them alone and this they would all survive

" knowing Kate, it won't be good for anyone but her" Deaton said knowing that Kate was nothing but a selfish woman who only cared about herself

" and bad for everyone else" Stiles said feeling that it needed clarified for those who didn't have first hand experience with her

" yeah thanks for Stiles, we hadn't really figured that out for ourselves yet" Aylee said giving him a look, she automatically felt bad for snapping him. All of this with Derek was beginning to take its toll in her

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