Chapter 24: monstrous

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Hey guys so I thought I would post any chapter since I'm going away for two days and I apologise if this chapter is a little shorter than normal but there wasn't a lost of Stiles and malia scenes so I have added my own little extra scene at the end so let me know what you think. Also I was thinking about possible doing a series of one shots of Stiles and Aylee while we wait of season 5, so let me know if you want that or not?

Chapter 24: monstrous

Once all the assassins were unconscious Scott called the Sheriff to let him know that there had been another attack while Derek decided to drive Aylee to the hospital to get her hand checked by Melissa. It turned out that she had sprained her wrist which had now started to bruise so Melissa told her that she had to wear a wrist brace for a couple of days. All the while Derek was teasing her about the fact she had punched a locker and she teased about the blossoming romance between him and Braeden. Derek then drove Aylee home and made her promise that she would call him tomorrow as well as that she would take it easy and not go off saving the world anytime soon. Once she was in the house she realised that she was the first one home so she went to her room and took a shower to get rid of the gasoline, she then got changed into a pair of black and red pajama pants, a black v neck tshirt, a pair of socks and a dark blue hoodie. She pulled her wet back into a high ponytail and put her brace back on. That was when she heard someone running up the stairs, when she went into the dinning room she saw that Liam was waiting for Scott

" Kira found Brett, they're fine but we got to go" Scott said handing Liam his extra motorbike helmet, he never saw that Aylee was standing by the door till she spoke

" wait Kira's back? I thought she was still out of town with her mom" she said walking further into the room, she knew that being able to have one night to herself would be in impossible in Beacon Hills

" hey yeah she got back tonight, how's your hand?" He said seeing that it was in a brace which he knew meant that it wasn't broke but wasn't exactly fine either

" yeah mom said it was just sprained so I need to wear this to prevent further damage to my muscles... Wait you found Brett?" She said remembering that they hadn't seen him or Satomi since they were trapped in the vault, although they were trying to

" yeah apparently they were attacked...agian" scott said knowing that with the dead pool out there that being attacked on daily bases was something that they all had gotten used to

" more assassins?" Liam said wondering how many of them were out there waiting to attack them whenever they felt like it

" maybe a lot more" Scott sad not wanting to give it away that the recent group of assassins may be a group of hunters which made them that bit more dangerous

" different from the ones that tried to set us on fire?" Liam said wondering how there could be this many people walking around waiting to kill them

" I think so yeah, how about I take you home" scott said sensing that Liam had had enough of life and death situation, plus Aylee was giving him a look that told him Liam needed a break

" I'm not like you, either of you" Liam said looking between them, nothing seemed to faze them like it did with him

" not yet" he said knowing that Liam still had time and lot to learn plus he believed it when Derek told him that his anger would them both very powerful

"I don't mean I'm not strong or I'm never gonna learn how to be in control. I mean everything else. You and your friends try to protect everyone. Have you been whole this the whole time? I mean, how are you all still alive?" He said thinking by now someone had to have been seriously hurt since they weren't exactly careful or smart with their plans

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