Chapter 20: orphaned

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Hey guys so here you go another chapter, I'm finally back into this story so expect many more chapter soon. So since I cut so many scenes from this episode I decided to add a few at the beginning as well a couple of line here and there

Chapter 20: orphaned

Things had soon sprung into action before they knew it, Stile's dad soon came to the game with back up who began to log the evidence and take away the bodies. Everyone was banned from going into the locker room since it was now an active crime scene, Aylee had called Derek and Deaton to meet them at the vets office so that they could help save Brett before the poison got to his heart. While Scott was fighting violet in the locker room Garret had gotten away, they're guess was that she was meant to kill Brett then meet Garret at a pre-arranged meeting point. They had told the sheriff as much as they could with the other office around but promised that Stiles would explain everything when he got home that night.

" Dad really! I'm ok and so is Aylee although Stiles had to take her home since this was all getting a bit too much for her" Scott told his dad both trying to reassure him and cover for Aylee not being there

" I should have been here, I said I would be at the games" his dad said knowing that for him all of this had already happened and it ended with him missing 8 years of Scott's life

" well this was a pre-season scrummage, I didn't even tell you about it" Scott said knowing that he probably should have told him about the game but to him it was no big deal

" but I promised your mom that I would be around so that she could pick double shifts at the hospital, I should've been here" he said thinking that Scott almost be killed by an assassin could have been avoid if he was there

" you're here now when it matters" he said taking a small bit of comfort from that fact, he still couldn't get used to the fact he now had two parents

" sheriff what is that? Is that the weapon?" Agent McCall asked thinking that some detail about the weapon was familiar but he couldn't quite place how or why

" yeah it's a themo cut wire" he said before following Parrish who was taking Violet away before being stopped by Scott's dad who had a couple of questions for her

Scott told a minute to quickly text Aylee to let her know that she was covered but she would need to either sneak in through his window or have an excuse prepared for when she got in? Since Aylee was tasked with sitting in the back with Brett to make sure he was okay she had made sure that assistant coach shirt was tucked away from harm which meant that she was now wearing her white tank and hoodie. Although Aylee and Stiles were too busy with a wolfsbane poisoned Brett to check her messages, Derek meet them at the door of the vets to help Stiles carry Brett in and then place him on top of the exam table. Soon Brett's condition began to get worse, he began to spasm while this yellow foam began to leak out of his mouth.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?!" Stiles said while he and Derek tried to hold Brett down to the table as he thrashed around

" he's been poisoned by a rare form of wolfsbane, I need to make an incision and you need to hold him still. Aylee I need you sit here and focus on his feelings and try to see if you calm him down " he said remembering that controlling emotions were another thing that a seer could do to match her empathy power

" I can only calm me down and even then I'm not that good at it, I always need Stiles's help to stop me before I do something bad like zap someone" she said as they gave her look that simply said tried so she sat down on the stool and closed her eyes before opening the, to reveal her seer purple as she tried pick up on Brett's emotions from the overwhelming amount of emotions in the room

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