Chapter 12: kind and loin heart

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Chapter 12: King and loin heart

Stiles and Aylee were currently in her bed, with their legs tangled together while Stiles lay on his back looking up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and Aylee curled into his side as he played with her fingers. They decided that they wanted to stay up all night and talk rather than lose time with each other by sleeping, it seemed like an easy plan but being as comfortable as they were it proved much harder to do. Aylee felt a little unsettled knowing that everyone knew about the plan apart from Stiles who was only person that could really convince the hunters that she was dead and gone. She hated going behind his back to make deals and plan things without him but knew that it was necessary if she was going to keep him safe. She just hoped it would all be worth it. Stiles looked over to where her head lay to see that she was in deep thought as she mulled something over, he knew that she was up to something and she would tell him when she was ready.

"What's going in that pretty head of yours?" He asked to simple see what she would tell him, the tell or some twisted version of it

" hmm? Do you think that it's ever ok to keep something from the person you love?" She asked voicing something that was playing her mind

" I guess it depends on what you were keeping from them, I mean i think the small things like their dress size or about how many times they work out in a week but when it comes to the bigger things then it might do more harm than good" he said knowing she was talking about them, that was the first sign that something bad was about to happen

" what if it was to protect them? Does that justify it? I mean if you're intention was good and harmless" she said as she began to voice her thoughts as they came to her, hoping it would help her to process everything

" I don't know, if you were in danger and I knew something but kept it from you to protect you I'd hope you would understand although i don't think I'd care if you hated the fact I did as long as you were safe. However if it was the other way around i know I'd be pissed at you for keeping things from me" he said feeling her relaxing a little as she listened to his answer

" then I guess I wouldn't care if you were angry at me if it meant you were safe and still around to annoy me" she said smiling against his skin while placing a kiss on his shoulders, as she turned his words back on him

" why? You have something you're hiding from me?" He asked knowing it wouldn't be that easy to get her to confess to whatever was going on

" nope, at least nothing you'd want to know apart from that I'm most likely not going to school tomorrow or I might take a half day" she said telling him a half truth before quickly changing the subject

" really? And why am I just hearing about this?" He asked turning on his side so that he could see her better, just as she did the same

" because I only found out this afternoon after school, Lydia texted me to tell me that I need to go to the ball venue early for a sound check and stuff like that and it has to be during school hours for some word reason" she told him not quite believing that she had agreed to sing in public

" do you know what you're singing?" He asked gently sweeping a rogue piece of hair out of her eyes then began to play with her wavy curls

" yeah at least to songs and a back up in case I need to singing longer then expected, and no I'm not telling what songs because it's a surprise" she said laying her head on the pillows as she yawned

" you know the fact you're even singing or can sing is a surprise for me" he said chuckling to himself as he began to stroke up and down her arm with his fingers

" I didn't say I could, Lydia did. I still think I'm tone deaf but hey not everyone gets the chance to fulfil their rockstars dreams right?" She said trying to keep her voice and the mood nice and light, glanced over to the window to see the sun coming up

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