Chapter 7: scraping up the pieces

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Wow guys thank so much for all review, followings and favourites. I'm sorry this chapter is a little later than the other but I wanted to make sure it was just right. So keep review, following and favourite and I'll try and post new chapters quickly :)

Also if you guys have any suggestion about the character Aylee or my story just let me know by either reviewing or pm me

Chapter 7: scraping up the pieces

Stiles walked into the old Hale house where music from a docking station was blaring, he recognised the song as an angel with a shotgun by the cab. He knew straight away that it was Aylee's music from her iPhone that they were playing, the thought made him smile that she was forcing Derek Hale the big bad werewolf to listening to this type of band. Although that smile quickly left him as fast as it came on once he remembered why he teaching her how to fight and defend herself as well as some basic supernaural 101 lessons that he felt she needed to know in order to survive. He stood there for a while just watching her move, trying to defend herself against the blows that Derek kept hitting her with. He saw Peter watching by the stairs as if assessing her progress, Stiles was still wary of him even he was Aylee's father.

" she's getting better don't you think ?" Peter asked Stiles trying to make some kind of effort with his daughter's boyfriend even if it was Scott McCall's sidekick

" yeah I guess she is but she shouldn't even need to learn this stuff" he said no longer caring what people thought about

" if she wants live Stiles then she has to learn this stuff, just as Scott did" he said becoming annoyed that he still wasn't getting the importance of this

" except Scott wasn't taught by Derek, at least not totally. I taught him control so maybe I could teach Aylee too, plus how much can a werewolf help a seer?" He said making it no secret that he thought she beginning foolish to trust the Hales

" well she is technically half werewolf and is a supernatural creature so she does have some healing powers but no one knows if that's enough to heal her from an arrow wound" he said stating what he believed was obvious, that she was more than huma

" stop! Stop talking about it like it's okay, that it's going happen no matter what we do" he began to shout, catching the attention of both Derek and Aylee who stopped what they were doing

" that's why I'm teaching her everything I know Stiles, to protect her from danger and to make her stronger" Derek said walking towards as much as he wanted to sympathise to Stiles, he also wanted to make him see things as he did

" yeah you see that's the difference between you guys and me, I already think she's incredible strong" he told the three of them both walking out into the woods

Aylee quickly grabbed her t-shirt and hoodie before running after him. She was wearing a pair of grey lounge pants, a white sports bra, a pair of black converse, a red striped tank top and a red hoodie. Her hair was currently in a messy bun with a red bandana to keep it out of her face while she was working out or whatever it was they were doing. She went out and her eyes automatically found him by a tree, leaning against it for support as the tears began to stream down his face uncontrollably.

" Stiles, talk to me" she said hopeless wanting to understand what was going through his head, since she had her vision of her being shot he had closed up and refused to talk about it with her

" I can't.... You can't...." He began to say but each time a new sob would come, she pulled him into a hug as he buried his face into her shoulder

" shhh it's okay, it's going be fine" she said trying to comforting him but knowing that she couldn't really promise that when it was out of her hands

Only You Can Save MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora