Chapter 4: Kiss Me Darling

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Chapter 4: kiss me darling
Aylee opened her eyes that suddenly felt as if they were made of stone, at first she was blinded by the bright lights that filled the room. She tried to move the piece of hair that had fallen onto her face, however she soon realised that her arms, feet and waist were restrained. Otherwise know to her as the five point restrains, something that she was all too familiar with from her stay at Eitchen House. She felt the panic rise up inside her as she continued to fight against the restraints, it wasn't long before she recognises her own voice beginning to scream out. It was only when she felt a hand touch her arm did she stop fighting, Aylee waited for the usual flash of the persons memories. However it never came, instead it was replaced by a calming feeling.
" shhh you're ok, Aylee. I promise you're going ok" Stiles told her over and over again as he began to stroke her hair gently
" Stiles?! What's going on? Where am I and am I restrained?" She demanded fearing that her worst nightmare had come true
" you're in hospital and the restraints are a compromise. It was either them or you were going to go back to Echo house and I couldn't let that happen" Stiles said releasing her from the restrains, not really know if he was allowed to or not
" the hospital? What happened Stiles? The last I remember is the car ride to the woods to save you from the Nogitsune" she said trying to clear the fog from her head as she slowly sat up
" yeah and you did save me....... But you used too much power and it drained you till the point that you passed out" he told her as he positioned himself sitting on her bed facing her
" I knew it was a possibility when I went through with it Stiles. To me it was worth it I mean who's going to miss the crazy girl? So how long was I out for?" She asked trying lighten the mood between them
" hey I would miss the crazy girl ok? How do you not know that you are so much more than that to me? And to answer your other question I've been Nogitsune free for three days" he told her as he watched her expression change to one of shock
" wow so tell me what's been going on while I've been in a deep slumber? Start with why it says on my chart Melissa McCall under parent/ carer plus why your dad and her are my emergency contacts" she said reading her chart which was at the bottom of her bed, she wanted to see what the official diagnostic was
"Well technically you're still in the foster system as one of the high risk foster kids since you've been in a mental institution for nine years, they wanted to put you back in there when you came here. I know how you feel about that place and honestly you don't belong there because you're not crazy just supernatural, anyways for like a day and half we tried coming with all sorts of plan and then finally we decided that Scott's mom would foster you" he told her trying to summarise everything that happened the best that he could, these days were a little hazy to him since he was still adjusting to just being him and not the Nogitsune
" why her? Not that I mind, I mean there's worse place to be" she said remembering some of the worse home she had lived in, once where she would be beaten or become a slave
" well she's already a foster mom to Isaac plus her and dad didn't think it was such a good idea making us foster siblings, otherwise it could get a little incest like. I mean I know that forbidden love can be good for a relationship but not that kind" he told her as he took her and began to gently stroking it, hoping it show her what he was feeling
" ok..... I need to know one thing then because the foster system people could come to me at moment now and ask me if I want stay here with them, do you trust them?" She asked him knowing that he would reassure her
" yeah I do, Melissa has always like a mother to me since mine well you know and scott is my brother from another mother. They are good people Aylee ok? You're safe" he told her as he motioned for her to move over so he could sit next to her, he put an arm around which she soon leaned into
" so if it's a three bedroom house and Isaac is in the guest bedroom then where will I be?" She said as a thought just occurred to her as she thought about the amount of she had slept on someone's couch or floor
" well that's the cool thing, they're converting the attic into another bedroom for you. Plus Melissa has already registered into beacon hills high so you'll be going to school with all of us, apart from Allison. Oh you should know that Lydia and Kira are away shopping for clothes and stuff like that for you" he said not knowing she would react to the last piece of information, he didn't think this would be a big deal to her but still one of thing Lydia taught him was that a girl's style was part of her identity
" oh god what are the chances that Lydia won't go mental and by me lots of high heels and short skirts.......wait did you says allison wouldn't be going to school?" She said as if it just clicked what he had told her
" Allison's dad decided that while she is a hunter, this place is far to dangerous for her so he sent to live with some relatives in France" he said fixing the blankets so he was under them too
" how's Scott dealing with her leaving?' She said knowing from Allison's and his memories that whether they were together or not they were still important to each other
" he's hold up in his room, probably crying over the old pictures of the two of then together. I'm planning on cheering him tonight" he said hoping that she would be ok with this
" let's just hope it won't be like last time" Scott said standing at the door with what appeared to be a bag of clothes for Aylee , his eyes and cheeks were all red and puffy. You could tell he had spent crying, even his unkept clothes could talk you that
" hey Scott how are you doing with everything?' Aylee asked motioning for him to come further into the room so he could join them more. She felt bad for him, he had lost his first and currently only love, although she didn't actually know what that felt like she could imagine
" I'm ok, getting there but hey I'm not the one in the hospital bed now am I? The important question is that how you feeling? We were all terrified that you were seriously hurt or worse, especially since Deaton could not actually tell us what happened or how to fix you" he explained to her as he looked through the different cards and flower cards that we lined up near the window, it was the first time Aylee actually noticed them
" hence why I'm being treated by humans, also that I'm technically still human although with supernatural like abilities. Stiles can you do me a favour? Can you go and find a nurse to see when I can leave this awful place" she said using this as an excuse to be alone with scott but she also really wanted to know she begin her new normal life or as normal as you could be when you're a seer
" sure thing babe, I get it you rightfully hate hospitals after Eitchen House and everything you went through....... I looked through your file which I temporary borrow from their filing system" he said after she gave him a look that told him that should tell her the truth before things got ugly
" like when you 'temporary borrowed' the heart monitoring equipment and coach's phone that time when you help control the shift" he said laughing at the memory when things were slightly easier and less complicated, Stiles gave him a look before kissing Aylee on the head and leaving to find a nurse
" so there's something you should know? I didn't get a chance to tell you before with everything that happened" she said getting out of bed with the help of Scott so she could gather her things to take a shower so she could look half way presentable for any future visitors
" ok..... But you know that can talk to me about stuff right? I mean you're technically my foster sister now which is good because I see you as a sister now" he said supporting her as she propped her self a chair as she went through the bag of clothes and stuff trying to look for pajamas, a toiletry bag and brush for her hair
" yeah I guess we are...anyway Peter asked me to go into his memories to find the ones that Talia had taken from him, he was married to this woman named Katrina Georgieva and they had a baby" she said avoid eye contact with him, this is something she had allowed to stir away in her mind but never actually said aloud till now
" oh wow.... So Peter's a dad? Do you know what happened to the baby or this Katrina?" He asked not understanding her reaction or mood or why it seemed to be affected her so much
" Katrina died in child birth and Talia gave the baby to Deaton who put her into the system, he said she was adopted by a family then he ummm lost communication with the family. Talia wanted to kill the baby" she told him getting quieter and quieter
" ok so I'll look into to this so more ok? Without letting Peter and Deaton know what I'm doing, you want to tell me why this is affecting you so much?" He asked not wanting to push her
" not yet, not till I know whether I'm right or not...... Hey did you find out when I can leave this place or do I have to escape? I mean I have experience in that particular area" she said switch to her previous attitude and mood as if she had never told scott
" yeah they said that you could leave as soon as the doctor had finished with rounds, he's going to come and see you then discharge you hopefully" he told noticing that something was different between them
" thanks ... I'm going to go for a shower" she said gather her things and heading into the small bathroom
By the time she was finished in the bathroom and had re entered the hospital room both boys were gone and in their place was two notes. One was hidden away in her bag, the other was lying on her pillow so she picked up the one in the bag and walked over to sit on already made hospital bed to began to read them. The one from the bag was from Scott, it said:
I didn't get the chance to tell you that my mom is on shift today so she'll probably take you home when her shift is done since you'll probably be discharged at the same time. Also she put a new phone in your bag, it's to place that disposable phone you have that I bet you weren't meant to have in Eitchen House. Plus your own set of keys to the house
P.s don't think our conversation is over, we'll talk about it later
She really didn't to discuss her suspicions, she knew some of the awful things Peter had done in the past and to be anyway connected to that seemed wrong to her. She still couldn't believe that all of a sudden she was out of the nut house and moving in with what seemed to a happy but slightly dysfunctional family where she would live a some what normal life. She decided to read Stiles's letter, hoping it would cheer her up. It read:
Scott convinced me to let you have some time to yourself before you come home so I'm going to go and help the guys finish your room so that it's finished by the time you come, if you need me my number is already programmed into your new phone. I didn't want to say anything while scott was around but I think we need to have that talk that we didn't get to have so maybe later tonight we can talk? Call you later
Love Stiles
She couldn't help but smile at the way he said love Stiles, she knew it wasn't something he would just casually write for the sake of it. She decided that in order kill time before her doctor came to see her, she would try and get some sleep before she was sure would be an eventful night. It was hours later that she felt someone gently shaking her awake and calling her name. She was opened her to see the sweet soft face of Melissa McCall looking back at her, she tried to sit, feeling slightly more weaker than she did before
" you okay sweetie? You look at little stiff" she said her voice fully of concern for the young girl who had already hadn't hard live, it was more than just being a touch hand in life
" yeah I'm fine, I just think lying so still for a long time has finally caught up with me but I'll be much better when I get home which would when exactly?" She said not bothering to hide her anxiety over being in a hospital, her previous experience of them hadn't really a good one
" now, I got the doctor to agree to discharge on the fact that if your condition got worse then I would be able to treat you or would bring you in, although we both that would be the last time I would do" she told trying to reassure her worried expression
" thanks Melissa, I really do appreciate everything that you're doing for me. I know it couldn't be an easy thing to do, allowing a ex mental asylum patient into your home where not one but teen boys love more so when one of them so you're son" she said hating everything that place did to her, intention or not
" first of all, you're not and have been a victim of mental illness or mental health issues ok? The reason you where in there was because you eight years old when you're powers first started to appearing. What else is an eight year old meant to other than tell her foster parents about her growing concerns over the weird things she was seeing" she told her not trying to hide her anger at Aylee's foster parents for what they did to her
" I guess when you put it like that, it wasn't really my fault" she said feeling as though a weight had been lifted from her as she went over to the bag still lying in the chair to get something to change into so she could leave
" and second of all, you're not a threat to those boys despite what my ass of am ex husband says. If anything with their claws and monthly feeling to kill everyone in sight , they are a threat to you. And lastly I don't just one son, I have two and now I have a daughter" Melissa said walking over to where Aylee was standing as she gently pulled her in for a hug
" thanks....... So I guess it wouldn't be totally unreasonable to ask for a ride home?" She said not knowing how to deal with this loving mother and daughter moment, she did what she always did in these situation and used humour to cover it
" not at all, I'm just going to get my bag and stuff from my locker so that should give you enough time to get ready" she said before heading out the door
Aylee quickly got changed out of the pyjamas she was wearing, into an outfit that had to have been picked by Lydia although she could easily see Kira's input. She decided to allow her long brown curls fall down natural around her face and cover her shoulders, then she let her look through the small make up bag that was hidden away in the bag. In it was a light pink lipstick which she decided to put on to stop her self from looking so drained, she also created light smokey eyes with eye make up inside. Once she was done, she put everything back inside the bag and zip it up. She picked up the bag and decided to wait for Melissa by the front desk where she was already waiting for Aylee. The drive home was filled with a comfortable silent while Aylee took in the sight from the hospital to the McCall home. When they arrived, Aylee noticed a banner hanging above the door saying ' welcome back to land of the sane'. She couldn't help but laugh
" I swear to god I'm going to kill those boys, the one thing they were in charge of was the banner. I told them to get a nice one saying 'welcome home Aylee" or even sis but no they chose this one" Melissa ranted as she took Aylee's bag from her and lead here towards the door, she knew the young wasn't offended by the banner by her laughter
" it's fine, if you can't laugh about it what can you do?" She said entering the house, feeling calm and relaxed from the first in years ( if you didn't count the times when she was with Stiles)
" hey guys, we're home and Scott, Isaac I want to talk to you about that banner outside. Stile why don't you show Aylee to her room?" Melissa called out once she had set their things down by the door,soon the two teenage boys came down stairs followed by Stiles, his dad and Kira. Melissa
"Man I told you she would know it was our idea" Scott grumbled as he and Isaac heading into the kitchen after Melissa had wondered in for some privacy
Stiles motioned for Aylee to follow him after he picked up her bag at the door, Aylee couldn't help but look at all the childhood photos of Scott. Some of them had Melissa or Stiles in them and in the rare occasion had Scott's dad in them but most of them were of just Scott. They passed three different bedrooms, she could guess who lived in what room. As they can to the end of the hallway, she saw a set of black metal spiral stairs which Stiles began to climb so she followed him up. Once she was up she saw the beautiful bedroom she had ever seen, the walls were white although on the walls were a couple of framed pictures that she recognised as her own. There was a couple of painting from some of favourite artist. All of the furniture was white as well such as bed, desk, chair and bed side table.
" do you like it? I mean we still change some things if you don't" he said beginning to panic that she had everything that he had helped pick out for her
" don't you dare change a thing, I love it Stiles. It's amazing thank you...... Got your note by the way" she mentioned not wanting to waste a second without that having that much awaited conversation
" I'm glad about both things, that night in the Echo House basement after we you know I wanted to tell you that it was a first for me too" he said not knowing what else to say because she was out of there it was all different, they could be together now
" so it was special for both of us then, where do we go from here Stiles? Do we just be friends or...something more?" She asked nervous about his answer, she was pretty this type of situation wasn't in the dating handbook
" it depends on you want, I mean I don't think I could just be friends with you.... It would hurt to much to not touch you or .... Kiss you" he said getting closer and closer to her till they were only inches away from each other's mouth
" it hurts just now being so near you and not....." She began to stay before she gave into temptation and pulled him to the most passionate and heated kiss that they had ever had. They only stopped when they heard footsteps coming up the stairs, they turned to see Stiles's dad and Scott enter the room
" hey sorry guys for interrupting up but Stiles we should get going if we want to be ready on time for your party" the sheriff said acting slightly awkwardly, being fully aware of the sexual tension in the room
" what party?" Aylee asked slightly confused, this was first anyone had mention a party for Stiles to her
"The gang is throwing me a welcome home/ a Nogitsune free party tonight, it was meant to be a surprise but I got it out of scott as well as other thing" he said making it clear that he knew about the conversation between her and Scott at the hospital
" I though my mom would have told you when she picked you up" Scott said hoping she wouldn't click onto Stiles's previous statement
" no she didn't but then again she was busy telling me something else" she said worried that Stiles was either mad at her for keeping secrets or didn't want her there
" dad I'll be down in a second, I just want to say goodbye to Aylee first" Stiles told the pair, they soon began to head back down stairs. Aylee waited until she couldn't hear their foot steps anymore before she started to talk
" Stiles I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I promise I was going to..... There's something I didn't tell Scott" she said almost whispering as her voice quivered with emotion as he pulled her closer while they sat on the bed
" what is it? Is it about the baby?" He said thinking that she may have figured out who it was or remembered seeing something
" how detailed is that file you have on me?" She asked trying a different approach to telling him as she moved her hair out of her face
" it's only about her time in Eitchen House but I can find other files on you through my dads police contact, why?" He said slowly adding everything up in his head
" can you do it by tonight then look through everything with me at the party?" She asked needing to know if she was right or not sooner rather than later
" of course I can, I'll see you later ok?" He said kissing her goodbye before leaving her alone with her thoughts
A few house later Scott came into tell Aylee that they were all leaving in an hour so she should probably start to get ready soon. She headed into her own bathroom in the attic to start doing her hair and makeup, she created brown smokey eyes and Berlin pink lips with rosy cheeks. She decided to pin her curls up into a low bun. After she was finished in the bathroom she went over to the white wardrobe filled all sorts of clothes till she saw the perfect light pink dress that she paired with a pair of pink beige pumps. Soon she began to put matching jewellery and put her keys, phone, lip stain into her purse before heading down stairs where she was met was surprised reactions
" what? Is this too much? Should I go and change into something else?" She asked beginning to panic that she was going to a fool of herself in front of everyone
" no sweetie, you look lovely really. I think the guys are just surprised at how beautiful you look" she said knowing what their hormones were like
" yeah she right you do look beautiful Aylee, Stiles is going to love that dress" scott tried to reassure that his best friend was going to like her new look
" are you sure that you walk in those heel? I'm just saying from what I've heard you've been wearing slippers since you were eight" Isaac asked worried that she might end falling over
" I'll be fine as long as I don't need to run anywhere" Aylee replied heading towards the door, the other began to follow her
Once they got to the small bar/ grill in town where Aylee figured most of the high school were gathered for Stiles's party, Melissa ordered three cokes and a red wine as Scott began to give Aylee a run down of who everyone was. Stiles spotted them over from across the room and began to head in their direction, he couldn't believe this beautiful creature was his girlfriend
" hey Scott, you mind if I borrow my bgirlfriend for a mintue?" He asked not thinking twice before using the g word, Scott could tell that Stiles was hiding something
" yeah sure you can, I actually need to go and talk to Kira about something. She isn't answering any of my call or texts" he said before heading over to where Kira was sitting with Lydia
Stiles begin to guide Aylee outside and into his jeep which was in the parking lot where they could hear each other better and where they wouldn't be over neared by human or werewolf ears. Once he was sure no one could hear them, he pulled several files from his backseat. He handed them over to Aylee
" this was everything I could find out about you, Aylee Clarke. So what were you trying to find out?" He asked hoping that it was in their somewhere, he knew she needed some answer to the questions that were lurking around in that pretty head of hers
" the names of birth parents or even my birth mother or at least who put me up for adoption, otherwise it's back to the drawing board for me" she said flicking through all of the paper till she found what she was looking for
" wait is it in there?" He said finally working out what she was think find, he hoped that her suspicion were wrong otherwise he had no idea what it could mean
" yeah........ My birth parents names are here on my birth certificate..... Omg" she said as her eyes began to water up
" what does it say?" He asked gently knowing she had to say it out loud for it to be real to her
" my birth mother's name is Katrina Georgieva which means my births dad must be......" She said before her sobs over took her and made her speech less as she clutched her chest and handed Stiles her birth certificate so that he could say it for her
" you're bith father is Peter Hale" he said not believing his eyes as he placed the certificate behind him as he pulled her in for her a hug to calm her cries down
An- I'm sorry if this chapter is rushed or if it's unrealistic but in my defence it's a unrealistic situation where werewolves and seers exist so there:)
An- Aylees outfits- www. polyvore cgi/collection?id=3400279 ( without the spaces)

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