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2015,20 July.

Dear diary,

Today I'm safe. He leave the house today and will comeback tomorrow. Here I am,in my room. Locked inside. With only a bottle of water and a loaf of bread but this is enough for me to survive till tomorrow. I know deep down he still care about me. He don't want anything happen on me so that is why he locked me in my bedroom.

'You're lying to yourself,Charida.' The voice said.

'No! I'm not! I know he still care for me.' She replied. Then the voice disappear.

Diary dearest,

I still have my determination. I still have my hopes.

I will always cherish my mother,

I will make my sister proud,

I will awaken my father so he realize his mistakes,

I will have my brother to protect me from any harm,

I will stand in front of everyone as they adore me,

And prove every single words they throw into my way was wrong.

Love, Charida K.

'You're destroying yourself.' The voice appeared again. Charida didn't reply.

'Stop lying to yourself .'

'He never worth your kindness .'

'He will never change.'

'What you saw everyday is the real him.'

'There is no love in him for you.'

'CHARIDA! Listen to what I'm telling you for once.' She ignore it. She ignore everything the voice said. She don't care. Even it's killing her,she just believe one day he'll change for good.

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