Scrabble and Champagne

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“Strippers. We need to get strippers for this thing.” Roger said throwing his money in the middle of the table.  Brian looked at his cards and then glared at Roger sideways.

 “Hmmm. How many?” Freddie asked, examining his cards. Brian was still watching Roger. Roger looked at his cards as he held his cigarette.

 “I don’t know. Do they come in pairs? We should try to do that.” Roger snapped and pointed at Freddie, taking a long puff on his cigarette. Brian shifted his focus back to his cards, laying one down.

 “This is so weird! John’s not here!” Freddie said. “We’re planning an event and John isn’t here!”

 “Sure is! He always beats us at cards and he would like the pair of strippers idea!” Roger said.  Mary appeared from the kitchen with her hands full. She sat a plate full of chicken down to the table and presented Brian with a plate of homemade chips.

  “You’re gonna’ have to do a hell of a lot better than two strippers.” She said dryly. “That look okay, Brian?” Mary asked whipping her hands together.

 “It indeed does, Mary. Thank you.” He opened the Guinness that was before him that he hadn’t yet opened.

 “That looks wonderful, dear! You’ve outdone yourself! This is perfect for our party planning!” Freddie said reaching an arm up to Mary and pulling her lips into his. Mary and Freddie had been living at the rented Kensington house since July. They had lived here for six months and many happy times had been shared here. The house was uniquely them; the bright colors and wallpaper on the walls and the fancy antique furniture all around. It screamed Mary and Freddie. Freddie appeared to be in thought as he puffed his cigarette. He held on to Mary’s arm.

  “You know as well as I that John would never go for the stripper idea. Oh god, it’s so tacky and cliché! You know how much I love extravagance! We need to think extravagant!” Freddie rolled his eyes and Brian looked over at Roger again.

 “Well, what better idea do you have?” Roger asked working on his cigarette and absently looking at his cards.

 “A lot of champagne and play scrabble!” Freddie said after thinking further. “Mary, darling? Will you make something that John enjoys?”

 “I’d be glad to do that. You just determine what he likes and I’ll throw it together.” Mary assured him.

 “Isn’t she an angel?” Freddie grinned all over.

 “Hey, we could take him out later that night! Take him to a couple of discos! You know how much he loves that.” Roger suggested. “Besides, when was the last time the four of us went out to the clubs?” Brian looked over at Roger. It was a good idea. John would love it.

 “Perfect! It’s perfect, Roger!” Freddie beamed. Brian shook his head in agreement after opening his Guinness. Brian laid a card down and it got quiet around the table. Mary raised looked a bit despondent.

 "Well, Roger. This is just a thought but when you four go out maybe you should keep your di....."

 "Mary." Freddie stopped her mid-sentence. Squeezing her arm gently. Mary shot her eyes at Freddie, then at Roger and then back to Freddie. She sighed rather frustrated. Freddie gave her a look. There was an uneasy silence in the room for a moment.

 "I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. Goodnight boys." She touched Freddie on the back of his shoulders before she left the room. Freddie raised his eyebrows and picked up his cards once more. Mary's footsteps disappeared up the stairs. A few moments later a pillow and a blanket came hurtling down the flight of stairs, landing in a muffled plop at the bottom. Freddie turned around and looked at the blob of blanket and pillow. There was silence again. Brian had his tongue in his cheek as he studied Roger, who picked apart the chicken leg in front of him. Freddie laid his cards down and took one of the wings, steam still rising from it. Brian continued watching Roger as silence filled the table.

 "Rog..." Brian finally began. Roger looked over at him. They just stared at each other for a moment. It was as if they were having an entire conversation without uttering a word. Roger continued staring at Brian as he worked on the chicken leg. Brian stood up and went into the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator and pulling out two bottles of Guiness. He closed the door and returned to the table, handing one over to Roger. He formed a fist and tapped Roger's shoulder before he sat down again. Roger nodded his head yes.

 "Thanks, Brian. Thanks...thanks." His voice was quiet and subdued. Freddie looked at Brian and then at Roger. He fluttered his eyes a few times and clapped his hands.

 "Okay! Okay, so...John's party! When should we have it?

 "Well, the wedding is is Sunday. We have four days. The rehearsal dinner on Friday." Brian said.

 "When are the girls doing their thing?" Freddie wondered. "Damn, I should have asked Mary."

 "I don't know. I do know that Lyd's stayin' with Veronica and John is gonna' be with us Friday night after the dinner. Damn, there's gonna' be a houseful here!" Roger said.

 "No, Roger! Lydia and Veronica are going to your house. John is staying at home with the houseful of people he has. Mary told me today." Freddie explained.

 "Oh. Change of plans then." Roger said, finishing the chicken leg and throwing the bone aside. Roger looked down at the table and examined the plate of chicken, looking for another leg. "Lyd makes the best chicken legs I've ever had. They're better than my mums." There was silence again as Roger found another leg. Freddie and Brian watched his every move. "She'll go to the market after leavin' the gallery and buy just the legs…nothin' else. Then...she comes home and cleans 'em up and..." Roger paused and laughed. "She always gets the looks at the market, ya' know. 'Cause she's always in heels and a skirt...or a dress. " Roger looked up, a smile still on his face. Brian and Freddie were just staring at him. They didn't say anything. They just let him talk. "Bet she'll...she'll be...breathtakin' in the wedding. I haven't seen her dress." He paused again. "I know it's expensive though." He laughed again. Brian and Freddie laughed with him, not because what he said was particularly funny but because it was kind. "I...I can't see her." He said with hopeful, big blue eyes. As if Roger's eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger or rounder. The tone of his voice was a bit pleading as he took a drink of the lager before him.

 "How long has it been?" Brian asked.

 "Three weeks. Three fuckin' long weeks. It feels like three centuries." Roger had burned his cigarette down and was reaching for another. "Oh shit..." Roger leaned his head over on his arm, flopping over against the table. He hadn't even bothered lighting his cigarette yet. Freddie looked at Brian. He held his hand up to his face to look like a telephone, and then tilted his cupped hand toward his face in a drinking motion, shaking his head. He then flipped his fingers sideways across his neck. Brian nodded in agreement, trading his hand of cards for the plate of chips. Translation: If Roger drinks heavily tonight, keep the phone away from him.

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