Do It

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The placard on the wall read: BALLROOM A but what it should have read was ‘biggest party in the hotel right here.’ It was tastefully decorated and once again, far too extravagant for John and Veronica’s tastes but hey, it was their wedding and their parents hadn’t cut any corners. I had stripped myself of my pashmina and unfastened the other eyelets holding the slit in my dress shut. It was slit open to the middle of my thigh now. I had wrapped my pashmina on the back of the chair at the long table at the front of the ballroom. I had been quite clever and sent a pack of cigarettes and a lighter with Mary. Since she and Freddie had arrived at the hotel before I and the rest of the wedding party, she had tucked them under the tablecloth on my seat. Bless that woman. I laid my tulips on the table and discreetly reached down and pulled a cigarette from the back. There were several long, delicate tapers on the table and I leaned over to light my cigarette on one of them when I heard a voice.

 “You can’t smoke in here!” One of the waiters told me.

 “What!? I’m the maid of honor! Two of my dear friends just got married!” I argued with him. He shook his head.

 “You’ll have to go outside. That door over there.” He pointed to a door that led to an outside terrace. The wall between the terrace and the ballroom was solid glass and the ambient lighting on the terrace was so very romantic on this cold January night.

 “Fine. You win.” I rolled my eyes and put my cigarette back into my pack. I hadn’t taken my seat yet, instead looking around the crowded ballroom. The dance floor was empty but it wouldn’t stay that way. The massive tulip centerpieces were simply gorgeous. I continued to alternate between watching people file into the ballroom and glancing back at the tables that were quickly filling up. I saw Mary wearing Freddie’s feather boa, Freddie and…and Roger. Roger sitting there beside Freddie. He had already started in on his champagne, something of which I needed to do as well. He looked good. God, he looked so good. I quickly glanced away as another waiter filled my champagne flute. I looked at the door once again. Chrissie and Brian had arrived. I shifted my focus back to the table, glancing on either side of me. John and Veronica had a most elegant six-tier wedding cake positioned at the center of the long table that I was seated. It appeared that the last of the guests were arriving because the room was well full by now. I picked up my champagne and began working on it. I sat there alone, no one on me left and no one on my right. I looked over to the dance floor again as the lights in the room dimmed and someone, I would presume another waiter or a host associated with the hotel, picked up a microphone.

 “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you for the first time anywhere tonight, Mr. and Mrs. John and Veronica Deacon!” The band, which was setup nearby, began to play immediately. Some of the guests had barely taken their seats only to stand up once again as John and Veronica entered the room. Their reactions upon entering the ballroom were a combination of awe and excitement. John leaned over and kissed her as they made their way to the table. I reached my arms out to Veronica as she was coming behind the table first.

 “I have seven bags jammed in my dress in case you get sick later.” I whispered to her. That comment made Veronica laugh wildly.

 “You are the best friend anyone could ever have.”

 “I hugged John next.”

 “John. You’re so sexy in a tux.” I told him. I felt like he needed to know the truth and I simply loved how he turned blood red and laughed. There was a little commotion around the room as they seated themselves and champagne was poured for the both of them. I began to wonder how Veronica was going to fake this. The toast was comin’ up which meant she would somehow have to convince this entire room that she was drinkin’. Nigel stood and walked over to the dance floor where the microphone was. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck…I hadn’t thought this through. I would be there just after him…in the middle of that barren dance floor trying to fake my composure and grace. I could do it. Nigel tapped his fork to the side of his glass and began his speech. Shit, there was a light shining directly down upon him. Of all the lights in this room they had dimmed, they didn’t dim that one. His speech was short and sweet, but very sincere. We drank to him. I looked over at Veronica. She had taken a drink of champagne and was holding it in her mouth. I tried my best not to make her laugh.

Love, Out of Nothing At AllKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat