Have a Laugh

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I inhaled deeply and squirmed a bit, wiggling my leg out from under Roger's ankle. I moaned lightly as I pulled myself up and squinted to focus on the clock sitting on the nightstand. I couldn't see it and so I pulled myself farther across the bed to where I could focus in on it: 5:07 AM. I yawned and got up as quietly as I could.

  I feared I would wake Roger as I got out of bed as I walked across the room in the darkness. I looked over my shoulder as the muddled lights of the city tried to peek around the edges of the curtains outlining Roger's form. I was finally looking forward to a shower and felt as though Roger was so content that he wouldn't miss my absence beside him. I would make this quick because I wanted nothing more than to be back underneath the covers with him. I stepped onto the cold marble and closed the bathroom door behind me.

 Chrissie closed her eyes and looked up as the water streamed down over her. The tiny beads slid down her wet skin. She opened her mouth slightly as hot water continued to cascade over her. Chrissie felt wet hands slink up her back and all the way to her shoulders. She sighed as she felt Brian’s tongue on her neck. She moved her hands around his neck, into a clump of soaking wet dark hair. Her shriveled fingertips disappeared into slicked down long hair. She rolled her head around until her teeth grazed Brian’s ear. She bit down ever so gently as her hands slid farther down Brian’s back. He pushed her back into the wet, slippery, tiled wall of the shower, allowing once hand to steady himself. The steam from the hot water had completely covered the inside of the shower door. Chrissie’s cheeks were becoming flushed and pink as she breathed a little heavier. She felt Brian’s opposite hand slide over her cheek, her neck, her collarbone, her ribs…her stomach…her hip…all the way to the inside of her thigh…Chrissie dug her fingers harder into Brian’s back.

 I turned the water off in the sink and closed my eyes for a moment, indulging in the hot air of the bathroom. My shower had felt wonderful and I was more than ready to get back into bed. I slowly opened my eyes and reached up to the mirror, smearing the steamed surface so that I could see my reflection through the streaks of condensation. I was feelin’ like myself again, but I wasn’t quite lookin’ like myself. I picked up the t-shirt I wore every night and pulled it over my head, opening the door and letting a rush of heat collide with the coolness of the suite. I shivered a bit as I hurried back into bed, pulling up the heavy comforter. I could hear Roger take a deep breath and roll around to face me in the barely lit room. I turned my head and glanced at the clock on the nightstand again: 5:39. I felt so very clean and the warmth of the hot shower was still looming on my skin. I looked at Roger as he lay there on his arm. He stared back at me as I squirmed around and got closer to him. We just laid there in the faint of morning, me lookin’ at him and he lookin’ at me. We could barely see each other and I didn’t take my eyes off Roger as the wet ends of my hair saturated the middle of my back.

 Roger scooted over closer to me. I could see those blue eyes now. He didn’t have that look of exhaustion and fatigue this morning. It was a very different look. One with which I was familiar. Roger reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. I reached my hand out to his side and around his back, pulling him over to me. Roger repositioned himself so that the entire weight of him was over me. I dearly loved that feelin’ and I breathed out heavily as I wrapped my arms around him. The ends of his hair were tickling my fingertips.  I writhed against him slightly as I adjusted myself underneath him. I could feel his hands sneak up my shirt against my soft, post-shower skin. I moaned a little as my lips met his, Roger’s hands creeping farther up my shirt. I tightened my arms around his shoulders even more, pressing my fingertips into his shoulder blades. His heavy and heated breath hit my face in successive waves, colliding with my own. I was thankful the heat kicked on because I felt like the heaving escapin’ my chest was so very loud though in reality it probably wasn’t at all. My heart beat faster, unable to keep up with Roger. I could hear Roger pant harder through gritted teeth until he sighed heavily against my neck, his nose resting against mine. I could feel his pulse, out of sync with my own against my chest. I raked my fingernails over his back softly not wanting him to move. He didn’t. I swallowed hard and tried to regain my breath before kissing him. I could feel Roger sink into me more and more…almost as dead weight. My breaths were becomin’ longer, slower and my entire body was surgin’ with a thousand chemicals. It was hot under the covers but sleep was imminent now, so it didn’t matter. We had climbed Everest.

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